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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. You need to do better than "place under review". This makes the game almost impossible to play and needs to be fixed. Yesterday. The game wasn't free, it's not acceptable that such a key part of its UI does not work.
  2. There seem to be a lot of known issues being investigated... are you planning to actually fix any of them? This game wasn't cheap and it feels like it's not being technically supported. It's pretty disappointing,
  3. I have the same problem for every single drop-down in the game (FM23 PS5). Sometimes they work fine, but most of the time they appear for a brief moment and then disappear and won't come back up. The only solution I can find is to navigate away from the section in which the drop down appears and then back in and the drop-down will then work. Another solution is to switch to the cursor, but that isn't particularly fun way to move around on a console game. So, for example, when making a transfer offer, I navigate down to the box in which I can add clauses to the offer (eg, to pay extra in instalments) and then to the drop-down of clauses to add. The drop down appears for a second and then it's gone and won't come back. If I then navigate entirely away from that box (say, back up to the place where you choose your initial fee) and then back to the bottom box, the drop-down will appear. Between that and the unwanted scrolling in lists makes it quite tough to play the game and I've just about had enough. This is something that should have been addressed and fixed a long time ago.
  4. yeah, absolutely, I have the same problem with pretty much any list on FM23 Console (PS5). It's infuriating and makes the game tough to play. Navigating through recruitment lists is particularly annoying and frustrating.
  5. During games I’ve noticed that the number of substitutions and stoppages fluctuates wildly when looking at the tactics/substitutions screen. This also seems to result in me being unable to make substitutions even when I still have substitutions left.
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