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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Im playing on the Xbox Series S and no I don't have multiple games saved on the console. Thanks for the quick response.
  2. The issue is that I get an error saying 'save game failed' which prevents me from saving, and then soon after the game will crash - resulting in that save file disappearing forever. This has occurred across multiple save games now and has essentially made the game unplayable at this point which is a big shame. I stopped autosaving as this problem happened very regularly when I enabled that and started saving manually, however this was not a permenant solution as it took until February in game in my first season in England for this problem to arise. It is not like I have run out of storage space as I have made sure this is not the case. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd love to be able to start a new save and not encounter this problem.
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