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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. It's a joke, pretty sure the latest updates screwed up the whole thing. I had a snoop at some of Liverpool's players too and Mo Salah is on 1.5Million a week so it's not just a lower league problem.
  2. Currently setting up a new game and choosing a team in the lower leagues (England) be that League One or National. Players are getting paid up to 10k a week which just wouldn't happen and hasn't happened in the past, I've tried to check for fixes online but nothing seems to be found. Unsure if this has been since the latest update or anything? I have reinstalled FM23 from scratch and still the same issue occurs. I have checked that wages are paid per month rather than per year so it's not a "view issue" looks like the game mechanics has bumped wages up massively?!
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