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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Thank you for your answer! It happens to me even with a lower transfer budget than the number you mentioned. It is probably around 1,7 billion. It only “repairs” when board sets new budget for new season, usually 900 mil so then it resets. Would it be possible to make a quick fix so the transfer budget never goes over like 1,3 billions so it doesnt happen? Because I have too much money, my board keeps putting money into reserve funds which is increasing my transfer budget so it is difficult for me to do anything to prevent it. Thank you!
  2. Hello! I am playing FM touch 23 on my mobile and I am around 15 years in the future. I try to buy lot of youth players and sell them therefore I have transfer budget of almost 2 billion but it started to happen that I cant buy any players as it says I dont have funds even though I clearly have - 1 billion in my account and 2 billions in transfer budget. Even when I just sold a player for 18 mil, I couldnt buy new one next day for 3 mil or 6 mil. I tried to move the line between wages and transfer budget but it didnt help. Is there any help please? They only way I could buy few new players was in the summer when I got announced new transfer budget by the board for new season. My budget didnt change though. I still see my transfer budget only increasing as I sell players each season and each season I am +300-500 millions. But it says I dont have funds. Thank you!
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