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Everything posted by harrystroe

  1. So you are telling me that in real life football market this thing is happening but SI sees it as impractical and a considerable change? Well than I have to ask from which sources SI take all these information how transfer market works because is very visible their sources are not reliable and out of any common sense. All over the world teams are promoted in any league and they are able to do whatever transfer they need or want at any given time once they are officially declared promoted, but only SI according to you believe that this is impracticable and not worth it to stick with realities.
  2. I am newly promoted, declared official by winning the league YET, the AI still will not recognize my promotion and despite my next budget is set I simply can not sign players because the AI still keep me in the same league until 1st of July and all the players will not declare their interests towards joining my team because "you will need to promote first" . This issue was overlooked since 2015 by SI although a simple fact that a new promoted team may and should have access towards all the football players to be able to sign them (acknowledging the fact that I am promoted in the superior league hence players should desire to sign), but AI and game mechanic will not allow it since 1st of July (because AI and game mechanic still sees me in the same league I just promote from). Further in this matter, it will let you only maximum 2 3 weeks to operate on a very fast pace on the transfer market when finally!!!!!!! the AI recognize you as promoted to a superior league, and the players may or desire to sign contracts with my team, by this time many players already sign contracts with any other team in the new promoted league. I genuinely believe that this is a major issue that has been in the game for years but no one seems to understand that once you are declared promoted, the AI should recognize you already being part of the new promoted league, hence to operate your transfers according to the league you were promoted not in the same bracket to the league from you just promote. Hope I was very explicit to this quite abnormal and totally out of reality game-wise issue.
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