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Everything posted by antiutopie

  1. If I'm not mistaken, we know from SteamDB that they made a change to the match engine (dev-match-ai) a week ago, since then they have had multiple new test builds of the game every day. The match engine is extremely complex, with a ton of tiny things that can go hilariously wrong. Given those circumstances, I'm not sure how some people arrive at the idea the devs are done and S.I. is just waiting for a specific Transfer Window or that New Gen competition. They are quite literally working on the core functionality of the game.
  2. What I don't get is why the Patch for the game, and the Transfer-Update, aren't planned as independent updates to begin with. There seems to be no advantage to doing it in one update, and you'll always end up with one of the two holding up the other. It's not like gamers aren't used to multiple updates in relatively short time either, it genuinely puzzles me why it's done this way.
  3. According to steamdb.info the latest nightly was released at around 2:50 UTC, and the latest release-test around 3:30 UTC, which might be indicative of quite a heavy workload.
  4. I'm pretty sure that the AKA RB Salzburg staff has two members (among their ridiculous numbers) who are actually the same person - Leonard "Leo" Haas. Unless there are really two coaches with the same name and similar biographies, and I can't find evidence for that, the same guy is in the game twice with slightly different data sets.
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