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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. To add on to my post, league fines seem to be broken and overtuned, further simming I keep seeing teams ending up fined for 50m+ a year and that's the main feature that's destroying the clubs alongside bonuses somehow dragging out 100m+ Hope this extra information helps.
  2. I thought that something like this was happening, thank you for clarifying and good luck on the fixes. I'm hoping to start a long term J-league save this year but this will need fixing first.
  3. Title. Basically I simmed 50 years forward into the future because I wanted to take a look at how reputation for a long term J-league playthrough would shape up and it's possibilities (also to check for any new dynamic changes) What I found was a repeating game-breaking financial bug with regards to the J1 league teams liquidating essentially. For whatever reason it appears the J1 League teams are not getting the right sponsorships for a 1st world country and are spiralling into debt which makes them sell their Training and Youth facilities without fail and accruing so many fines they cannot operate. It's really bizarre seeing every team find success and then dying as a result, leading to a situation that after 20 years 50% of the league have no training or youth facilities and an unreasonable debt. J1 league finances appear to have no financial stability to the point that when a team reaches success they get fined to death from what I can only assume are FFP violations as they can't afford their running costs. It's not a 1 off, it's a ritual. Team period of success > Not enough Finances > Debt spiral/Fines > Sell facilities > Administration > Repeat This happens to every team in the league. Screenshots are one example with Nagoya's period of success. But make no mistake it happens to the rest too. Things would be a lot worse but at 20 years in I used FMRTE to forcibly temporarily fix a few teams finances (not giving them stupid money just getting rid of the debt and giving back their original facilities) so I could continue the simulation experiment, but it keeps happening to newer teams that find success.
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