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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    FC Gifu
  1. Hello everyone, here I am playing a game with 12 clubs created from scratch, everything works perfectly but when it comes time to put the logos I cannot put logos on 3 clubs and the fourth only has the normal one, the Small does not want to pass and the logos for the other teams do not pass either (in Normal and in Small) knowing that all the logos are in PNG 200x200 for the normal and 20x20 for the Small, does anyone know why the logos do not want to put this? Thank you for your response
  2. Hello, what do you think of having a new game mode? here are my suggestions: Assistant Coach where we propose a tactic, a game plan or even a recruit and the head coach chooses our recommendation or not President/sports director: here we choose the transfer budget for the season, we recruit or fire a coach (of course that would be a less realistic game mode but it's up to you to play as you wish) Player: we choose our training and at the time of transfer we choose or not to leave the club Agent we only manage the transfer aspect of the players we have in our agency which allows us to simulate careers with our friends or others the goal of certain roles is purely for fun but allows you to have a very complete game that touches on more of the players in football I can see it in a DLC if you have any ideas on the roles say so Sorry for my english i'm french i use Google Translate
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