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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Uploaded save in ownCloud with name "dwad awdwaawd - Без работы.fm", you can see in save, that some clubs signing relatively strong players but not using them after 1-5 matches or use them only as a substitute.
  2. Teams controlled by ai do not register some players from the roster for unknown reasons.I am attaching several screenshots where you can see how the ai, having free places for foreign players, but does not register them. Unfortunately, with such problems, the league is unplayable, teams lose their finances for inactive players, and many good players remain without playing practice for years. This problem has existed since the last part of the game, it is very sad that in such a long time this problem has not been solved.
  3. As you know, back in 2021, 2 football clubs were excluded from the Latvian Football Championship(Noah Jurmala nad FK Ventspils. At the moment, both clubs do not have a squad, and also do not play in any league within the country. But in the game, as we can see, this 2 clubs exists and can also be promoted to higher league. The clubs have too much reputation, which prevents from playing for clubs with a lower reputation. Both clubs end up taking players from clubs with a lower reputation, as they have a higher reputation indicator and professional status, which is incorrect given the current situation in Latvian football.
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