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  1. Francesco Nuccio is a physician. Born in Tricase (Lecce) (24 may 1985). In the last season he was team physician of Avellino. Luca Vergani is a rehabilitation coach (physical therapy degree and sport science degree). Born in Melzo (Milan) (10 November 1988). In the last season he was physiotherapist in Atalanta youth academy. Emanuele Cena is a rehabilitation coach. Born in Biella (27 February 1978). Davide Cornetti is a physiotherapist. Born in Orzinuovi (Brescia) (12 february 1989). I don't have any info about Antonio Sacco (physchologist), Nicolò Cassone (nutritionist) and Laura Mancin (nutritionist) https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa_Cricket_and_Football_Club_2022-2023
  2. You're welcome. If you need some specific info I can give you
  3. As you can see I have 0 employers in medical staff (no physio) while on the website there are 4
  4. Employers of Lugano FC staff are wrong. ON his website there are different names: https://www.fclugano.com/prima-squadra/
  5. Many of the employers are wrong: - Enrico Preziosi, Mariotti, Nocentini, Nonnato are not longer in the Genoa CFC staff - There are some new employers in the staff: Mirko Vecchi as match analyst, Francesco Nuccio as physician (24.05.1985 born in Tricase (lecce)), Luca Vergani (10.11.1988 born in Melzo - Milano -) and Emanuele Cena as rehabilitation coach, Davide Cornetti as physiotherapist (12.02.1989 born in Cremona), Nicoló Cassone and Laura Mancin as nutritionists, Antonio Sacco as physchologist. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa_Cricket_and_Football_Club_2022-2023
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