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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I think we should report this research team to a higher team. the game is not playable that way but they don't fix it.
  2. The number of points per match may seem normal, but usually our players eat cards. These players become our defensive players. I don't think you did the analysis right.
  3. Does the team think these numbers are normal? really? I already shared this issue with the team during the beta period. It's a disgrace that it still hasn't improved.
  4. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4 böyle mi
  5. sends a message saying that he will consider his options, even if the player agrees to a contract extension at the end of the year.
  6. It happens in more than 60% of all matches. It needs to evolve more randomly. @Zachary Whyte'
  7. Since the raters can give limited points, they may be missing some points deliberately. Someone who passes the players by turning agile, usually when the player receives the ball. This is one of the most distinctive features. A different scout will probably give a value between 14 and 16. @Perpetua'
  8. @Kyle BrownI will give it tomorrow, I hope you have already reported it, a very serious problem, the game should not come out like this.
  9. I played until December. team has been injured 33 times, urgent update
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