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    Correcaminos (LigaMX)

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  1. @Feddo, yes, just did this for some of the teams. A very few do have the 2nd nationality, but not enough of them where we can go from like 20 foreign born players all the way down to 10. In general, Im gonna play out the rest of this Apertura tournament and see if the same thing happens in the Clausura.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Its kind of a long winded response. Ill do my best to keep it concise below. So, yes, I do know where to find the league rules (image 1). My situation has to do with registering the players for the season. If you look at RegScreen1, you can see that the first rule/line is that you cant have more than 12 foreign players registered in the roster. When I try to add a 13th player, I get the red arrow and cannot proceed until corrected. All good so far. I have no qualms with this. Thats not the problem. The problem/head-scratcher came when i scrolled thru the other teams and saw that most of them had over the 12 allowed and were playing these other players in matches. So my questions are: how can i register more than 12 or why are the other clubs registering way more and having them play during the season? i dont know if there is an answer. I just had to pause them game and get this sorted out and get some peace of mind. Hope this clarifies the sort of info i am looking for. if I need to create a new thread or cross post this somewhere, please let me know and I can do that. Thanks
  3. ...if it exists. Using FM20. Playing in LigaMx (Mexican League), the year/season is 2020-21. Had a question about the league roster rules for this league. Ran into an issue. If there is a certain thread that someone can steer me to that would be great, rather than posting my question in the general forums would be helpful. Thanks.
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