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Everything posted by budakkuno

  1. Hello. So I was trying to edit someone else's database to fix their error in Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Cup. The way it works is that it takes top Malaysian league against winner of Malaysia Cup—and the most important part is that this one fixture counts as league point meaning that whoever wins it will get 3 points in league and also win the cup. The problem with the database I was editing is that it doesn't do that and I'm trying to edit to make it work, however even after copying the default FM database's layout of the cup, it still doesn't work. As I've been dabbling with it, it seems that I have two issues. There is two fixtures as attached below(the default database would only play the second one as Malaysia Super League/Sumbangsih Cup) The winner isn't recorded. Whoever wins the one match, points will be added/deducted accordingly into the league but when you go to the cup overview—it'll say that the cup is still in progress, the fixture hasn't been played(there's also no date for the fixture if you go to matches section of the cup), and winner isn't recorded. So how do I fix the problem? Would appreciate any help. As I said earlier, I tried copying the default database layout and what seems odd to me is that there is two stages as shown below when there should only be one. I tried copying it but it still doesn't work. I attached the file in case anyone is willing to take a look. Thank you. edited copied.fmf
  2. I downloaded someone else's data for Malaysian league and in there there's just U-18 League so I duplicated it and made a new U-21 League without ever touching other leagues(in this case, the problem seems to be the Development league). I have no idea how that's the case because all I did was assigned each team's U-21 to the league and somehow I get this error. Would appreciate any help. I've looked at few other people having the same issue as me but the solutions given don't work for me. Here is the file attached below. ixlah EDITED.fmf
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