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Posts posted by Thund

  1. Is there a way for someone who bought FM touch to upgrade to the full version without paying the full price again? And if not, is the upgrade worth it? More below on my experience of the game so far.


    So, I bought my first fm copy last year with football manager 2020 and enjoyed the touch version much more, since it was simpler and faster. Also, I hated playing out the matches since they were not very fun to watch (very choppy animations), so I just played the whole game on commentary only, eventually got bored quite quickly and switched to touch.

    Since I did enjoy touch a lot I decided to buy touch directly this year, and quickly found out that due to the new match engine, this quickly solved my gripes with the full version because I quickly became attached and felt connected to the actuall quality of the football my club was playing- I actually enjoy watching the matches now. I also feel like I'm missing out on depth, as training is very limited in touch, and I feel like its limiting my ability to fully develope my youth the way I'd like. Im also probably missing some other features, which I may or may not know about since I never played much of the full version.


    Here's the problem, is the full version for me costs 60$, and I already spent 40$ on touch. Given that touch comes with the full version, Im wondering if there is a way to upgrade from touch to the full version without paying the full price, and if not, if it's worth upgrading from touch to full if I have to pay the full 60? I'm not tight on money but I also won't want to be wasteful, your opinions would very much be appreciated. 

  2. Many people appear to be having a problem where they cant move players from B-A team. I appear to have a version of this bug where I can move the player, but returns back to the b team after every match, if they are not in the starting squad. If they start however, they stay in the A team. Very frustrating to need to fish an increasing numbers of players from the b back to a team every game.


    Playing with Barcelona,  which only has an A and B team, and dont know if anyone knows any work arounds I can use to avoid this issue.

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