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Issue Comments posted by steve.battisti

  1. Just to add ammunition here...

    I tend to play in lower leagues, so maybe the limited scouting range affects this. But my experience is this that if I create ANY position-specific recruitment focus, I'll get zero hits, even if it's as broad as:

    "Find any fullback (anywhere, any age) with a strong left foot and at least 3 stars"

    I have never managed to create a recruitment focus for a specific position that returned anything. Without fail they say "We're having trouble finding anyone." 

    For example I created this focus to find an AML: https://imgur.com/a/VhFFdlj

    It failed to find any players. Yet, my ongoing Vanarama National League North/South and "All of England" recruitment focuses found all of these guys:  https://imgur.com/mWEdtHn

    Let me know if I can provide more information.

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