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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thanks for the advice. Why do you think this has only started happening recently though. We scored 86 league goals with the same tactics and players last season!
  2. Basically my take on Russell Martin's current Southampton game model. I'm 6-7 years into the save so have a great side and have repeatedly qualified for the UCL but have hit a bit of a wall. Have scheduled a load of chance creation and conversion sessions in training so maybe that'll help.
  3. Even when I set team and individual player instructions to shoot more often, I will often reach half time having registered between 0 and 2 shots despite 60-70% possession and a positive or attacking mentality. The only thing that seems to help is to tell them off at HT for not taking enough shots. Do I need to change training is there something I can do on the tactics menu to resolve this?
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