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Everything posted by joetheshmoe77

  1. Nevermind, I mistakenly tried to edit the fmf instead of the zip file and it worked with the latter! Thank you!!
  2. Thanks again! Found this line and changed it to -10 and unfortunately when I went to reload skin it no longer shows up, then once changed back to -9 it shows back up. I may just look into trying to get custom player profile panels to show up in the skin I’m currently using instead. I love the Zweierkette skin I’m using visually, I just wish there were more data analysis panels available! I appreciate the help!
  3. Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately both 95% and 100% cut off the physicals even more. Also I’m on my laptop so I know that the version optimized for my computer would be the laptop version but that version gives my player profiles only 3 or 4 panels to use and doesn’t allow me to use the pizza chart panels vs 8 panels and access to that chart. The 85% zoom version of the default SAS skin fits my screen perfect and gives me a few custom panels I’m really enjoying BUT not being able to see a full scouting report at a glance is annoying. I was hoping there was a line of text in the skin file that I could alter to fit it but if not I will probably just go back to the skin I was using before. Thanks again for the reply!
  4. Hello, I have close to no experience with altering skins but I am wondering if there is a simple fix for an issue that I am having with the SAS 24 Skin? Everything works great with the base skin (even on my laptop) and the skin provides a lot of useful info and has some great panels but my only issue so far is that my scout reports in my inbox have the physicals cut off. So I was wondering if there is a simple way to rescale the scouting card or to shrink the inbox scroll so that the scout profile fits properly? Thanks!
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