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Everything posted by Xanax

  1. Hi. I've been redirected here with my issue by a moderator, which is: There's more from where this came from (United on 13th, Dortmund on 10th, Leicester on 3rd, etc), but these 3, especially the Arsenal and Roma issues are... simply not possible! This is the first season on my save, not the 20th, where you could accept something like this given 2 decades have past and maybe "stuff" happened to these teams... Also, never encounted something remotely similar in any other FM versions. Something is wrong, not sure if it's a bug, but wrong it is. This save has nothing extremely modified that your average FM player wouldn't have in his save, and again, I have never, ever, ever, seen something like this in the first season of a FM game since its inception with the exact "game settings" I currently have on. Thank you, and I hope at least to get some light shed upon, because I, personally cannot continue playing this save seeing something like this, or the even the game (since I have no clue WHAT exactly is wrong here and if it's a recurring issue). Thanks again.
  2. As the title says, what is the meaning of this? This is the first season, matches are played in full detail... Is this a bug? I could've posted more stuff like this, United sitting on 13th, Leicester sitting on 3rd, Atletico sitting on 9th, but these 3 are absolutely ridiculous, especially the Arsenal and Roma one. Under no shape or form this should happen in the first season, 10 seasons in, sure, maybe, but not in the first season... So? Bug/s?
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