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  1. Multiple recruitment focus keep changing the set position to "any" from "any" tactic. I have set multiple recruitment focus with different parameters but after I continue the game, the positions all reset back to any and show 24 different positions. to replicate, choose the current tactic from the "any" drop down in the choose a position section. then click confirm and continue the game. then go back to the recruitment focus and it will reset again. save game uploaded called: recruitment_focus_24_positions
  2. - There are no results for players on any recruitment focus task. - I changed each task after they had completed to a more broad search and still no players are found, not even near matches - the dates of the completed focus tasks and their place in my inbox are: July 17th 14th 12th 11th 9th and 7th. - I have uploaded a saved game also called braderzpfc14_no_players_on_multiple_recruitment_focus
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