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  1. Decided to post this after multiple tries, even reinstalled the full game after removing every single trace of temp files, appdata and documents related to the game. Lets say I have 3 tactics setup, named then 1, 2 and 3 as such: I go to match plans, I create a new plan named example: I create a new scenario with a random setup using the current (main) tactic "1": As you can see, this one has zero issues, the current tactic always works just fine: Let's try and create another scenario, as you can see all the tactics I setup are available in the dropdown menu, (tried with other names too just to be save) I decide to use tactic 2, so far so good: I swap mentality to any other option, or change anything and hey, the tactic changed from my choice to "Custom": Even if I don't touch anything after selecting any other tactic than current (main) tactic "1" it will ALWAYS change it to Custom and won't work. And just as something extra, if you decide to pick a formation, this works just fine as you can see below, no matter what I try, anything other than the "main" formation and basic shapes (4-4-2, etc.) will not work Also tried loading the tactics through here to see if it worked but to no avail: The same will happen (reverts to "Custom") Hoping there's a solution to this or you could look into this, Cheers!
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