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Everything posted by gustavosetubal

  1. I would like to report a question, the club Vasco da Gama of the second division of the Brazilian league has new visions for the future, as it was purchased by the company 777 partners. It's in the contract that they need to be among the top five teams in the first division in the Brazilian league for the next five years. I would also like to report a correction in the club's finances as 600M will be injected in the next three years, also provided for in the contract. Below are the links that confirm this amount to be spent in the coming years https://www.uol.com.br/esporte/futebol/colunas/rodrigo-mattos/2022/08/13/vasco-saf-mira-atingir-patamar-de-receita-do-palmeiras-no-longo-prazo.amp.htm https://www.netvasco.com.br/n/298753/777-partners-ja-transferiu-os-r-120-milhoes-para-a-conta-da-vasco-saf https://www.netvasco.com.br/n/294925/conheca-pontos-da-proposta-da-777-partners-pela-saf-do-vasco These three links are confirming the investments to be made in the Vasco da Gama club in the coming years, I would like you to look at this issue so that both the finances and the club's vision are correctly changed in the full game Attached is screenshots of vasco's current finances without proper change
  2. I would like to report a question, the club Vasco da Gama of the second division of the Brazilian league has new visions for the future, as it was purchased by the company 777 partners. It's in the contract that they need to be among the top five teams in the first division in the Brazilian league for the next five years. I would also like to report a correction in the club's finances as 600M will be injected in the next three years, also provided for in the contract. I will send the link in which this clause says in the purchase agreement with 777 partners. https://www.uol.com.br/esporte/futebol/colunas/rodrigo-mattos/2022/08/13/vasco-saf-mira-atingir-patamar-de-receita-do-palmeiras-no-longo- deadline.htm https://www.netvasco.com.br/n/298753/777-partners-ja-transferente-os-r-120-milhoes-para-a-conta-da-vasco-saf https://www.netvasco.com.br/n/294925/conheca-pontos-da-proposta-da-777-partners-pela-saf-do-vasco These three links are confirming the investments to be made in the Vasco da Gama club in the coming years, I would like you to look at this issue so that both the finances and the club's vision are correctly changed in the full game Attached is screenshots of vasco's current vision, along with the finances without proper change
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