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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. If possible could you go into more detail on this? For example, how does the game combine the instructing players to remain patient and not force the issue whilst asking for high tempo, direct passing? These seem contradictory. When play out of defense is used I can see the goalkeepers, defenders and defensive midfielders all have their passing sliders altered to shorter passing which does tell me it does have the ability to override the team's passing directness. It's a shame not to see exactly what the change in mentality or passing actually is when a player is in the final third with work the ball into the box being used.
  2. How I understand it is that 'play out of defence' and 'work ball into box' has an effect on defensive and attacking player's passing and decision making. So if these two team instructions are used they should override tempo and passing directness depending on which player has the ball in either the defensive and attacking thirds. Could somebody clarify this?
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