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Issue Comments posted by mhaffy

  1. 8 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    @mhaffy would you be able to provide your save game so we can take a look into this further.

    Two save game uploads; one after 12 games when all working properly and one after 24 games when I am advised to “Get Team Report” when clicking on Full Opposition Report, Scout Report or Analyst Report for more detailed information.

  2. At start of game a scout was assigned to provide scout opposition reports and head of performance analysis to provide analysis on opposition. All working fine initially with reports arriving and me being able to click through to thongs like Squad Depth comparison of opposition players to my team.

    I have set Ongoing recruitment tasks for about 19 of my but circa 4 left unallocated for one offs etc. Askked for several players to be scouted and reports duly received. 
    However the opposition reports not working properly now after January transfer window and I am unable to click through to Squad depth any more…. Asked to Get Team Report….

    tried delegating then reassigning original scout and head of performance analysis but to no avail. Not sure what has happened and how to fix.

  3. 8 minutes ago, UI_Riven said:

    The worst thing is that it probably won't be fixed until february/march... I literally can't play the game because of it

    SI are well aware of possession issue including high pass completion % etc but have to ensure that he overall balance of the game is not compromised by any fix. Not an easy task to pull off successfully. Fingers crossed sorted sooner rather than later… 

  4. 17 games into Premier League season and team possession stats as follows:

    Norwich 1st with 57% but 14th in League, Chelsea 12th with 49% and top of League, Liverpool 18th with 45% possession but 3rd in League, Man Utd 20th with 44% possesssion but 2nd in League.

    Only Man City of "elite teams" seems to be sensible with 57% possession (2nd) and 4th in league. Lower teams definitely seem to have far too match possession and top teams too little. Very strange.... hopefully will be addressed as part of the possession issue being investigated.


  5. Found a workaround now, although definitely a bug since FM21. After starting new save I need to set 1st team tactic and ensure via the Development Centre that U23's and U18's set to use 1st team tactic. If then go to Staff Responsibilities to take control of General and Individual Training for U23's and U18's any changes I make to 1st team tactics will show in U23's and u18's.

    If you take control of training BEFORE setting tactics in Dev Centre you are locked out..... Phew....what a long winded way to do things........ Definitely needs fixing...

  6. Found a workaround now, although definitely a bug since FM21. After starting new save I need to set 1st team tactic and ensure via the Development Centre that U23's and U18's set to use 1st team tactic. If then go to Staff Responsibilities to take control of General and Individual Training for U23's and U18's any changes I make to 1st team tactics will show in U23's and u18's.

    If you take control of training BEFORE setting tactics in Dev Centre you are locked out..... Phew....what a long winded way to do things........ Definitely needs fixing...

  7. 1 hour ago, Michael Sant said:

    Hey @mhaffy is this an issue that is still effecting you in game on this particular section?

    The minor update seems to have done the trick re freezes/delays. Just loaded the pkm file I uploaded and issue I referred to resolved now. Looking forward to release of full game release and fixing of lots of the other issues, including ME ones. Thanks for asking for update re issue i posted.

  8. Rashidi (Bustthenet) video of match engine flaws on Youtube highlighted that long throw attribute not working properly with players having attribute of 2 launching bullet like throws from halfway line into opposition box… I would expect that SI are fully aware of issues raised in his video and hopefully they will be addressed in full game release version of ME.

  9. 1 hour ago, Pezamaria said:

    I’ve seen a few posts for this and unfortunately SI did it on purpose. I think they suggested adding it as a new feature if you want it reintroduced.

    Amazed… I thought the aim was to enhance user experience rather than change things so that you have to do more clicks! Not sure how it’s reintroduction could be called a new feature! Not impressed if this is a sign of things to come… unbelievable change! Would be good to know why it was removed and how it’s removal enhances the game….. Not impressed….

  10. 23 hours ago, staclarapa said:

    Me too have the same problem


    Would be good for SI to confirm this is being looked at and PA reinstated to Overview screen as in previous versions of FM. Although it is still available by clicking through to Coach Reports, making a change that adds an extra click is certainly not a quality of life improvement to the playing experience.

  11. 13 hours ago, Luke Hume said:

    You can still it on the Player Profile as seen here:


    You can indeed see Potential Ability by clicking on the Coach Report. However, unlike FM21, PA does NOT appear on a players overview screen. You now know have to do an additional click and go to the Coach Report to see this. There is still space on the Overview Screen to include PA, as in FM21 - either below Ca or to the right of PA. I cannot believe that this change has been made on purpose and hopefully this oversight bug will be fixed for full game release.

    Example of Thiago Silva Overview Screen from FM21 which clearly shows PA:


    Thiago Silva Overview Screen from FM22 Beta No PA (you now have to click on Reports and go to Coach Report for PA to be shown):


    To replicate I have uploaded following save game : BetaStatsFME.fm

    Add manager using existing profile to get to Chelsea and click through first few introduction screens. Go to squad click for Thiago Silva get his Overview .... Same for other players.

    Looking forward to this being fixed in full game release.

  12. On 27/10/2021 at 05:46, Rosey Palmer said:

    Thanks for doing this analysis. I'm glad they fixed dribbles in the QME. I quit playing FM21 when I noticed some of the stats, like dribbles, were so inaccurate.

    Agreed re dribbling; pleased too that improvements also made by SI since FM21 to other areas. Hopefully there will be progress in some of the areas that still need addressing when the full game is released.

    Passing % completion being too high (particularly for poorer teams with lots of passes being made between DC etc) has been flagged in several Bug Tracker threads and, like this thread, are flagged as being "Under Review" This is consistent with stats from my tests with the Pass Completion % spread (between Best and Worst teams) being too narrow, versus Real World, for both FME and QME.



  13. 1 hour ago, Platinum said:

    @mhaffy slightly off topic but just want to add that you dont need QME and FME values to be the same to make scouting effective. You should only be comparing a player to the league he is in and the quality of the league he is in compared to yours and thankfully when scouting players they give a octagon graph comparison of a player to the rest of their league.

    Even in real life stats vary widely between leagues so you have to look at how a player compares to the rest of the league they are in and take into account the quality of their league.

    Obvs the FME and QME being more consistent would be very good but just remember that your scouting based on stats can still be effective.

    I agree with what you say and scouting on stats can still be effective. The point I was trying to convey is that significant differences between stats produced by FME Vs QME will limit the players that appear (based on your search criteria) who you may then decide to scout further. By way of example, at end of my 21/22 season at Chelsea Pulisic topped Key passes/90 with 4.29 and Callum Hudson Odoi was 2nd with 3.09. Their respective Passes Completed/90 stats were 30.99 and 33.78 based upon FME. If as part of a search for players with similar stats I set Key Passes/90 to be at least 3 and Passes Completed/90 to be at least 30 then only 31 players appeared that met these criteria for possible further scouting. However, only 7 of these 31 possibles were from QME leagues - consistent with my observations at 8) in initial post.

    If the FME/QME stats for Key Passes/90 and Passes Completed/90 were more closely aligned then my search would have produced a larger selection of possibles for me to look into further.

  14. Further to above results for Full Match Engine stats, I ran the same base file so that all Premier League Matches were simulated using the Quick Match Engine.

    Results for QME:

    1) Headers Won % - I would expect the average Headers Won % to be 50% as in real world stats; if someone wins a header then someone else has lost the header. The average Headers Won % shown by FM22 QME for 21/22 season was 49% (actually 49.5% to 1 dp). This would appear to be some form of rounding issue unlike the 66% average produced by the FME above which needs to be corrected.

    2) xG For of 983.63 differs to xG Against 983.62 - likely to be some form of rounding difference.

    3) Possession Lost at 89,043 over the full season is very different to Possession Won 71,522...... Seems strange...possibly reflects teams losing possession unchallenged.....?

    I have uploaded pkm file : BetaStatsQME.fm

    Collated extracts from Detailed Team Statistics for QME are as follows, with spreadsheet also attached:



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