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New Roosterman

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Posts posted by New Roosterman

  1. My players are getting really fatigued using these training schedules, anything I can do to combat this?

    Edit: Do you think it's because I had 7 games in December? I reckon it could be, but I have only just noticed. :p

    Best way to combat fatigue is to give the players a few days rest every couple of months or so. I have a largish squad so when I play the second stringers in a weaker match (say havibngf had a mid-week cup game) I select key players and give them 2-3 rest from training. Seems to freshen them up ok.

  2. Ummm, you're doing it wrong lol. For a start, dirk kuyt isn't a veteran striker. He's first team. Read the instructions at the start of the thread, it tells you which players are used for which schedule. Have other players on the same schedule as these all had stats go down? Or did some go up? Did these players happen to get injured?

    In relation to Kuyt I thought that might have been the case (on reflection). As I hadn't tried the schedules before I only put 2 players on them to try them out.

    I'm trying them again so I'll see how I go this time. I'll put the ffirst trial down as user error. :o

  3. To SFraser and those who have given me a better understanding of training a big thank you. I didn't buy FM09 (I was enjoyibng FM08 too much and my PC was due for upgrading) so FM10 is still new to me.

    As to feedback on the ecshedules I found that over the half a season I used them I didn't see any increases in my players, in fact they all went backwards. For example, (managing Liverpool) I had Dirk Kuyt on the "veteran striker" training regimen and he saw reductions in all physical and some mental attributes. I had a few players on the "developing striker" regimen (e.g. David Amoo) and all his stats went down. I had Adriano (who I signed from Palermo for Liverpool) on "First team striker" and many of his stats went down too.

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