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64 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Dudzele VK

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  1. You can download the old version here on the forum. I left it up here. I'll let you know when I need testing!
  2. Does not work, at least not for players. There still is a rule in Belgian competitions that says minimum wage is 12.000 a year for parttime and double that for full time (and like 96k for players from outside the EU).
  3. It seems like it is hardcoded as it is a legal minimum wage in Belgium.
  4. Small update: I've been working on the database (in the meanwhile I set it to 'hidden' on the Steam Workshop), but I'm taking the time to implement some other requested features and some improvements I have been wanting to add for a while. I've also been taking a look at some known issues, while I'm at it. It will be some time before I'll be able to release an update, some things just take a long time to set up and test, but I am working on it and it should be better than ever when I release it! In the meantime: is anyone here knowledgeable about Belgian finances in the game or can anyone help me test some files in-game (I need to simulate to about 2040 for testing and that takes quite a while!)
  5. Could you show us a screenshot of where you found this option?
  6. Small update, for if someone would need this information in the future: when you use 'get all teams from division' and you set team type to 'B-team' and fall-back team type to 'closest team type', you get all B-teams (also affiliated teams) for the teams from that division! I was working with 'get best teams from local region', there that method does not work, for some reason. It works without a division specified (for the division the rule is in) or for a specified division.
  7. Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it! Turns out that option only works when the B-teams are created in the same way U21-teams are. Affiliated clubs that are created as normal clubs and then set as B-teams through the affiliation, are not picked up by this team rule, they are seen as first teams (somehow). You can filter these types of affilated clubs out with the team rule (it's an option you can tick), but I could not find an option to select affiliated B-clubs from specified A-teams. In short, I had to scrap this idea and I worked something else out so that I would not need to select them anymore.
  8. Let's say I want to create a full-fledged competition (not a reserve competition) for all affilated B-teams of clubs playing in a certain division. These B-teams play in the normal league pyramid. How do I select these B-teams, based on the division their A-teams play in when setting up this competition in advanced rules. It should be dynamic, so selecting specific teams will not work. I've been experimenting with fall-back teams, but that does not seem to work in this scenario. When is the fall-back option used exactly? All suggestions are welcome!
  9. Hi rusty, Is this a way to set secondary divisions dynamically, based on region, after the game has started (can teams change secondary competition this way)? If so, I have some additional questions: How does the game know not to set these divisions as the 'primary' division? Could you also use extinct divisions in this way?
  10. As far as I know, but I think it might be a recurring thing each X years.
  11. I have been made aware of an error that prevents the creation of match fixtures in the early 2030's, I am still looking into this issue. You can holiday past this season, but you use this version of the database at your own risk. Sorry about this, people! Any input about this issues is welcome
  12. I will still have to test finances, because I was notified there has been a change form Belgium.
  13. I guess you would have to delete the competitions below that level and make sure no teams are relegated from level 4 or 5 anymore. It's not really in the scope of my project, so I don't know the details of what you would have to do.
  14. Here, this should still work for a few days at least: https://we.tl/t-X6ln5oUMY5 Just put it in the graphics folder.
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