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Posts posted by krlenjushka

  1. 3 hours ago, mrbarabbas said:

    Yes, but what about record data? I tried to create a new player and add its first and last name by using uid=1. When I imported the generated XML file, a new player was created but the changes in its data were not imported correctly (and I think the problem is about the used db_unique_id). Attached is the generated XML file.

    test-import_player.xml 1.08 kB · 1 download

    thats why you need to use real uids.

  2. 7 hours ago, mrbarabbas said:

    Hi, I'm trying to create an Excel file, which generates an XML file, to create new players. Unfortunately, I'm facing some problems with the newly generated db_unique_id values. In your opinion and experience, how can I create an acceptable db_unique_id without knowing the first available ID?
    For example, now, the first available db_unique_id is 2002042188. Assuming that I do not know this value, do you think there is a way to get it without using the game editor? Thank you!

    No because editor wont recognize your uids. Whats the problem to add real uids? 

  3. 17 minutes ago, oche balboa said:


    I'm trying (For my own reasons) to extend the FA Cup to 1,088 teams but the Advanced Editor only seems to go to 1,000, There is a way round it. Can anyone tell me how you do it? 

    Change this to number you want.




    Its located in comp editor\format\rule group\advanced\comp.xml file.

    First extract comp editor.fmf with resource archiver. You can leave changed regular folder instead of fmf file when you finish. Editor will work without problems

  4. 19 minutes ago, IJzerenTulp said:


    I tried that already but didn’t work. Also, I haven’t changed any rules so shouldn’t have to verify either way.

    Any other ideas?

    No - you must verify your file. SI changed that so we cant load unverified files anymore. Its total noncence but we cant do anything about it.

  5. 6 minutes ago, griffin99 said:

    I also managed to get a spreadsheet import to work for shirt colours, but only by concatenating separate RGB values into the correct XML text format in the spreadsheet and then doing a find and replace as they seem to have changed the initial text in the shirt colour line from "integer id" to "colour id". Would also be really useful to know how the colours should be split in the original spreadsheet - is it RGB values in 00|00|00 format in one column, or RGB values separately, etc?

    Probably separately - i need to check how editor writes kit colors on this version.

    BTW i dont think i will play too much because i cant get my lower leagues to work - as always we have to wait for real release date in march. 



    Every year before final update - we have stupid errors like this. 

  6. 1 hour ago, MichielVM said:

    I figured it out, you have to search and replace the characters in the finale XML-file (which you'll have to import into the editor) by their numeric character reference in XML, for my examples that is:

    Search Replace by
    á á
    Á Á
    à à
    â â
    ä ä
    ã ã
    ç ç
    Ç Ç
    é é
    É É
    è è
    ê ê
    ë ë
    í í
    î î
    ï ï
    ñ ñ
    ó ó
    Ó Ó
    ò ò
    ô ô
    ö ö
    Ö Ö
    ø ø
    ú ú
    ü ü
    Ü Ü

    TBH i dont know because i dont have these letters in serbian language.

    I will add this to tutorial xml file.

  7. 15 hours ago, Emmersonforest4 said:

    Will that not work than?



    15 hours ago, Emmersonforest4 said:

    Also was it commas that was causing the issue with the longtitude and lattitide?

    Yeah you must use dot instead.

  8. 3 hours ago, Emmersonforest4 said:

    @krlenjushka Please can you advise, I have downloaded the FM 23 version of the generator. When I paste my excel table into the input.txt file the columns dont align. I have made sure they are delimited tab but that dosent work for me. The screenshot is what I get below. Ive also attached my spreadsheet I used to make the cities. This is a great tool! Thank you for sharing and getting back to people. It makes editing more accessible and fun.



    City Upload 01-05-2023.xlsx 10.35 kB · 0 downloads

    You have 2 errors in your sheet - you should use 2000247170 as first UID for cities. I guess they changed that again.

    Also longitude and lattitude should be with dot instead of comma. I tried and works 100%.





  9. 53 minutes ago, vourtsio said:

    Not exactly an editing question but here is my confusion.

    I am working on 2 different files.

    The one contains name changes of clubs, completion etch and the other one is only for competition and club colours.

    When I start a new game I can't see the colour changes I've made, for some reason game reads first the file that I didn't make colour changes.

    Is there a way I can "force" the game to show the color changes I've made?

    Game will read all files in alphabetical order so you can change names.

  10. 21 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:

    Ok, if I had file 'A' open in the editor and had been working on it, if I chose to merge file 'B' with the currently open file 'A', what would happen if file 'B' had a created item who's UID was already in use in file 'A'? Would it take the next available UID or overwrite the current item?

    Yeah editor will probably overwrite uids. Anyway its easy to test. Add 1 new record to 2 separate files and merge them. Its 2 min job.

  11. 59 minutes ago, RobertBoomer79 said:

    @krlenjushka Thanks for your great work.

    Is it possible to get all source code for your project? Or put project in github? 

    I want add some changes to competition. Eg. Nation, Colours, Winter Ball Colour, Reputation.

    Sorry for my English :)

    Sorry i dont share my work like that. I dont think nation is needed option for competition because its easy to do this in editor. Thats why i decided not to add it. 

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