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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I think it would be great if we could have low power mode feature for Football Manager on laptops. I regularly go in and change the graphics settings based on whether I’m plugged in or not. It would be good if these settings could be saved so that when I plug my laptop out it automatically drops to either the lowest graphics settings or settings of my choosing. I would then have a setting for when I’m plugged in. It is something that can be done yourself but when you regularly forget to do it and then suddenly end up with 10% battery left for a long journey it can be frustrating.
  2. Bump on this request, I am really struggling on why this player is not considered U21 for UCL purposes given that he has been at my club for 2 years before his 21st birthday. The way the game calculates it seems so confusing
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