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Posts posted by M.U.F.C....TSVR

  1. On 27/12/2020 at 15:44, RocheBag said:

    PES has the best development system of any sports game. FIFA's dynamic potential is ok but it still falls short of PES.

    In PES, players have no potential rating. Every player gets assigned a "soft peak" and a "hard peak" age. Players will develop with game time, rapidly until their soft peak, the  slower until their hard peak.

    Form and playing time impact development a lot. If a player plays often and plays well, he will develop fast. If he doesn't play much he will develop much slower. If they hit a purple patch of incredible form their development is boosted massively for a short time. Even players past their hard peak can develop from this form related development.

    This leads to a game where every file a player can end up widely different because their development is so dependent on how they play rather than a predetermined number.

    So naturally if you have a 21 year old player and an 18 year old player with the same current rating, you can assume the 18 year old will probably end up better because he has more time to develop. So you can use your common sense to figure out a rough potential of players. But it can vary so much with gametime and form that it leads to a very dynamic world.

    As an avid PES fan I agree to some extent.

    But the issue is match performance rating systems are broken. Keep a clean sheet and defend well - 2 CBs and Gk are often 6 and below cos PES has an illogical player rating system in games. Players getting 4 assits in 1 game - gets a 7. Madness.

    On topic - I think a players mentals and personality are pivotal to development. As is coaches, facilities, game time, level of opposition....probably missing others out but all of those have to be at their best for a "wonderkid" to reach the 190pa level from say - 160pa. 

  2. Mine was a Barca one on 2012. Done 13 years with Barca, after the 'old guard' retired, the youth players were there to carry on winning I resigned. I sat and waited until the seasons end, saw Aston Villa had been relegated to league one and applied. It took me 4 seasons to win a trophy with them. But, getting them promoted, failing in the play offs, building a good young english team in 2 years and getting them to play well saw us steam roll and gain promotion. I spent 11 seasons at Villa. I won the league in season 6, worked hard to buy more young english lads and move villa toward the best. I began to dominate utterly in season 9 and when my contract was up in 2 seasons I knew I'd done enough. Still have that save, boss of the fallen Inter Milan :p, its in 2037 now! Managed Real Madrid in there too :p

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