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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Lierse Kempenzonen

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  1. Yeah but I didn't change that setting. Negotiating the job offer changed it somehow. I was saying that when I looked at that setting and changed it to NO that it stopped the save game type from changing.
  2. Hi @Kyle Brown I went back through my save files and turns out i have a save file at pretty much the moment the game changes from a career save to a network save. I've uploaded the save file and it is called career_to_network_on_job_offer_negotiation.fm I have a job offer from MK Dons, if I decline the job offer it appears the game stays as a career save, but negotiating the job offer (even if talks breakdown) sees the game turn into a network save with "Relinquish Control on Client" appearing on the "My Profile" menu. EDIT - I noticed that in game preferences under "Online Game Preference" that "Allow users to join your game" was set to ANYONE, I changed this to NO and it seems to have stopped my save from changing to a network save regardless of whether I negotiate, accept or decline the job offer.
  3. I have experienced this issue today as well. If it is of any use, I accidentally hit the "reset to default" option in preferences instead of selecting "Sidebar Buttons" when going to reset the sidebar buttons as I had accidentally dragged one out of position.
  4. Done File name - Non League to Legend - Lierse Kempenzonen.fm Think I have moved the game on a little bit after reporting the bug - but board issue still remains.
  5. I'm on a journeyman save and found myself at Lierse Kempenzonen in tier 2 after a stint with Alfreton. The team is flat broke but just had an internal takeover and a restructure of finances preceding my appointment. The required Board culture is to sign players based in Belgium. I had zero transfer budget so of course I would need to get free transfers. I signed 6 good players on free transfers, all Belgian, all had recently been released by Belgian teams - so for me, they were based in Belgium, unless all 6 who had played in for Belgian clubs for several years all decided to live in another country and commute in on their measly salaries. The board are devastated with the message of "The startling lack of signings from other Belgian clubs has been a considerable source of frustration" So these Belgian players, just released by Belgian clubs after playing in Belgium for several years are not based in Belgium? At the moment keeping within the wage budget and winning the first 4 games of the season (2 league, 2 cup) are just keeping me in a job as they are really focused on me not meeting the criteria for signing players based in Belgium. Ironically, a slightly differently worded culture from the supporters of "Sign Belgian Players" is a cause of delight for them. Don't know if I'm being totally ignorant here of what that term means, but it has caused me a degree of confusion over what "based in nation" is defined as and (hopefully other people too). I feel this needs clarifying within the game so it is crystal clear as given the "fire button" can be hit so easily in this game compared to other versions, the ambiguity of this culture requirement feels like it puts the chairmans finger on that button the second the requirement is set.
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