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How do I delete inbox messages??

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First time playing a football manager game so where and how do I delete inbox messages? Pressing "Del" on the keyboard doesnt work and I dont see anywhere that says "delete this message". Also, is there a way to see talent star levels or just the attributes? I play Fifa manager so I guess im very used to the talent stars to see how is very talented and who is not. If not, is there any website where I can see the meaning of each attribute? Im not exactly sure what "Bravery" is.

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You can't delete inbox messages; it's a rolling thing, so messages automatically get removed on a periodic basis. At any given time you'll typically have about 60-90 messages in your inbox.

As for "talent stars", you can see the training reports made by your coaches. On each player's page, click on the "Reports" tab beneath their name. Use the drop-down menus on the Reports page to cycle between different coaches' opinions and the ratings for different positions. (e.g. a player may have a 3-star rating as an attacking midfielder, but only a 2-star rating as an ordinary midfielder.)

The attributes aren't always clear for first-time users, but I encourage you to read the online manual. Here's the manual page for attributes: click on each of the links on the left-hand side to get an overview of Physical, Mental, Technical and Goalkeeping attributes.


The manual or the in-game help file are useful tools for new players, so do have a look through them. They may answer a lot of the questions that you have about playing the game.

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