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Posts posted by benji_hro_FCH

  1. vor 3 Stunden schrieb keysi:

    You have to comment out the dots part and "activate" the kits part. Copy/paste this code to the 'tactics icon ftr', save the file and restart the game. 

      Inhalt unsichtbar machen
    	<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom,extend" offset="0" gap="-7"/>
    	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="-1" apply_to_children="true"/>
    		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/> 
    		<!-- KITS -->
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/> 
    			<widget class="tactics_kit_picture" id="kitp"/>
    		<!-- DOTS -->
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5" apply_to_children="true"/> 
    			<widget class="picture" id="bsic" scale_picture="true" file="pitch/icons/dots/large/kit" image_alignment="centre"/>
    			<widget class="text" size="small" id="bsnm" alignment="centre"/>
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="7" apply_to_children="true"/>
    			<!-- PLAYER PICTURE -->
    			<!-- <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true" >
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="-25" />
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="5" />
    				<record id="object_property">
    					<integer id="get_property" value="objt"/>
    					<integer id="set_property" value="objt"/>
    	<container class="contrast_box_no_margin" transparency="0" red_replacement="fg">
    	<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="0" vertical_inset="0"/>
    	<!--<container height="20">
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>
          <widget class="picture" id="bsic" scale_picture="true" file="pitch/icons/kit/large/simple kit" image_alignment="centre"/>
          <widget class="text" size="xsmall" id="bsnm" alignment="centre"/>
    	<container height="5"/>
    	<widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" id="name" colour="text" size="xsmall" alignment="centre,can_scale" multiline="false" style="bold"/>	
    	<container height="1"/>
    	<container height="14">
    	<attachment class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="fill" horizontal_gap="2"/> 
    	<widget class="tactical_role_label" id="role" abbt="true" size="xxsmall" auto_size="vertical" alignment="centre,can_scale" style="bold" >
    		<global id="hidden" name="ui.is_fmt_controller_skin"/>
    	<widget class="match_rating_label_formatted" id="avra" size="8.5" alignment="centre,can_scale" format="[%fraction#1-2.1]" navigation_focus_target="false"/>



    Thank you so much 

  2. vor 8 Stunden schrieb keysi:

    panels/match/woz and there are "tactics icon ftr" and "tactics icon ft". You can play with this part and use kits, or dots, or pictures too but you have to edit it. 


    The issue (for me at least) with using the kits instead of dots is this: 

    The first picture is already played match screen with dots within the formation - the home team has a home kit, away team has an away kit. 

    The second picture is the same match but using kits - "tactics_kit_picture" - and now, the game can't recognise the right kits and both teams have home kits. 

    And yes, I know sometimes it uses the same colours and the numbers are not visible but I'm not sure how to make it work right now. 

    image.thumb.png.c321eb9cf9b463c5a9772f22be9f8073.png image.thumb.png.aff0ebe5bc02e0b0630cf811eb8fc9fa.png

    The second thing with shirts:

    You have to go to the panels/match/woz and open the 'match team stats full time review.xml' - locate line 37 and change the "id=PsnC" to "id=PsnS" and it will change dots to kits within the stats. 


    First of all, thank you very much, but what do I have to change in order to use kits instead of dots in the panel below

  3. Es ist zwar kein richtiges Feature aber die Akademie RB Salzburg sollte als U18 des FC Liefering geändert werden da es in der Realität eben so ist. Trotzdem sollte es möglich sein für Red Bull Salzburg Spieler aus der Akademie RB Salzburg hin und her zu schieben. Außerdem müsste das Team nicht Akademie RB Salzburg heißen sondern Red Bull Akademie U18 .Hier meine Quellen dafür: https://vereine.oefb.at/FcLiefering/Mannschaften/Saison-2023-24/U18/Tabellen   https://www.fc-liefering.at/de/nachwuchs/teams/aka18.html   https://www.sfv.at/sfv/Bewerb/207015?OEFB-Jugendliga-U18

  4. vor 15 Stunden schrieb _Ben_:

    It's the same text string, just on top of a graphic. Have a dig through the graphics folder in the Flut skin - or, identify where that is on the panel and see if you can find a root file.

    thank you so much :)

  5. vor 32 Minuten schrieb snowofman:

    i believe the 
    <colour name="bg tertiary"                                                         value="bg"/>
    is the inbox and there is some graphics aswell, but i can't remember the path on top of my head


    edit :  is controlled by the graphics in fm-widgets/graphics/boxes/custom/inbox attachment/

    for the graphics 


    squad planner, you will have to replace the sidebar menu table with a updated one ( see attachment ) move it into generic folder and you should have the planner aswell

    sidebar menu table.xml 7.46 kB · 0 downloads

    The squad planner doesn't seem to work, something seems to be missing in the panels of the fm22 skin but I can't find out what's up

  6. vor 1 Minute schrieb snowofman:

    i believe the 
    <colour name="bg tertiary"                                                         value="bg"/>
    is the inbox and there is some graphics aswell, but i can't remember the path on top of my head


    squad planner, you will have to replace the sidebar menu table with a updated one ( see attachment ) move it into generic folder and you should have the planner aswell

    sidebar menu table.xml 7.46 kB · 0 downloads

    Thank you so much mate 

  7. vor 52 Minuten schrieb snowofman:

    You can always edit the config file and change

    <string id="required_version" value="23.2.0" />

    to 22.0.0 and see how things turn out, there will almost always be things that's not working due to things being changed in the game


    Thank you very much it worked, I still have 2 questions, how do I get the squad planner panel into the skin because the skin is from fm22. and how do I get these boxes from the news transparent again because they are purple now?

    Screenshot (13).png

    Screenshot (14).png

  8. vor 9 Stunden schrieb animal31:

    In the Advanced Editor, you can select different Match Rules, one of the subsets in a Match Rule is "Highest Squad Number"


    If you want to edit Germany you can "Add Nation -> Add Lower Divisions and Cups -> Convert to Advanced Rules" then search manually for the relevant match rules, which should say something like Bundesliga or Pro on it, and from there edit the maximum squad number to 99

    Thank you so much 😃🙏

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