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Posts posted by BulletOfWar

  1. I personally don't care about much of the extra things they added, and the match engine is absolutely brilliant and the changes to the games speed is great, and I like the match day "feel" of the match UI, But the UI, especially the match UI is awful.


    Instead of body language, we now have smileys, which nobody knows what they mean, and so I can't instantly read what my players body language is, and wastes my time having to hover over each of them individually to see their issue, and I can't quickly glance at them to tell, because they're not all condensed into one space, they're across the entire bottom of the screen, which, might not seem like much, but it's awful to do constantly.


    Then, if I want to make a quick oppositional instruction, I have to click through multiple screens, which is absurd. Drop menu's exist, and were used, for quick and easy access to where you wanted to go for this exact reason.


    If i need to look quickly at oppositional players or my own players, I have to either open oppositional instructions, or click on the player, which takes me out of the match.


    The only way you know a player has a knock is through your assistant manager, which is super easily missed, or if you go through the tactics screen. 


    No timeline to easily go back to a certain point.


    No widgets.


    I personally have no problem with the new fatigue/match fitness.


    Overall, all useful information is hard to acquire, and changing things requires multiple clicks which also wastes time, with features that didn't need to removed, removed, and features that didn't need to be changed, changed. I think if it was some slight match day changes, but the same UI and information of FM20, it would be great, and I would be happy, but, it's entirely unintuitive, lacks information, and has removed a lot of features.

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