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Posts posted by VIF_1913

  1. Since the last update - the time in game now gets cut off when hitting stoppage time - mainly due to superfluous and unnecessary addition of the 1H/2H label - as the bar graph under the time tells us what half we are in.

    Any way to fix this or even better - remove the 1H / 2H thing?


  2. I've been compiling and testing logos for clubs, nations and comps with the following:

    Two folders - Normal and Small

    Small: 25x18

    Normal: 225 x 225 (off the top of my head - I don't have my laptop with it on to hand)


    I did a bit of a head start by downloading an existing pack someone did from last year to check the dimensions and file structure as I hadn't played the game since around 2010/12.

    This seems to work well for displaying in game fine (so no use of huge anymore as a separate file for each club)

    I also note that on the nations - don't create a small version of the logo as this tends to replace the small flag in the league table view.



    EDIT: I do have a copy of Fm20 that I bought last year but never played :D - I'll use the resource archiver to pull out the logos from last year's version to see what SI coded up to see if I missed any formats and check sizes.

  3. Hi all,

    Hopefully this doesn't seem a little strange - but whilst cleaning out some boxes recently during Lockdown - I found my old copy of FM2010.

    Wanting to revisit my old days - I've installed it - and am in process of getting logos etc. loaded into it.

    As downloads and information is a little light on the ground now due to it being an older version - I am hopefully looking for help on one thing from those who were active in the community back then.

    Basically - as my new laptop runs at a higher resolution to when the game came out - I've got more information showing on each screen.

    I'd like to know of the steps I have to take to make the header bar and the logos in the header bar (mainly on club and player screens) to be a lot larger than the default - but show in full.

    I know that this involves editing some of the skin xml files to make the header bar container higher - but I'm unable to remember what to edit!

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