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Playing Offline (Tried All Solutions)

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Well in a nutshell, the title says it all.

I, like many others, was stuck on Launch Day waiting for SoftAnchor to authorise. It eventually did, Hooray!

But, I live in an area with terrible connection, so one day I will be connected, the next day and following month I will recieve no internet connection, and no phone signal. Yes, I live in the A!!!!ole of nowhere. (No comments, I know how awful it is).

But I can't play offline, Steam is fine and I can enter it Via the Offline Mode. The problem comes from another SoftAnchor message, the one that plagued everyone on November the 17th. I have tried downloading the Activator patch, loading FM straight from its File, I have sacrificed three virgins to the Moon God - Miles, now I'm currently experiencing a rare online period and I need help desperately.

When I'm online, it works perfectly, I open Steam and I Launch Football Manager and I try and make Fulham successful (a thankless task).

But, as soon as I'm offline, Open Steam, Launch Football Manager, SoftAnchor attacks and destroys my hopes of escaping this mundane exsistence!!!

Please Obi Wan Konebi (or <insert name here> ) You're my only hope...

Also, if I dont recieve the answer, there's a high probabality I will create a giant deathstar and destroy whole planets, as I'm a little peed....

PS-seriously, I've tried all the methods offered in previous posts...

Come on and help me, You know you want to!!

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Please Obi Wan Konebi (or <insert name here> ) You're my only hope...

Also, if I dont recieve the answer, there's a high probabality I will create a giant deathstar and destroy whole planets, as I'm a little peed....

Unfortunately I'm not sure I have the answer you are looking for, but I can't help wonder if by any chance you're spending the time you would have used playing FM on watching old Star Wars movies instead?

Maybe the Jedi mind trick could be a solution. Have you tried waving your hand in front of the SoftAnchor window and saying in a commanding voice "You are already activated, I am not the pirate you are looking for" :D

Anyway (assuming you have downloaded the game through Steam, and not only used it to activate) have you tried starting the game without Steam at all? I don't know the exact path, but if you look in you program files folder, then you should find a steam folder, and somewhere inside that you should find the actual FM09 folder. Then simply run the FM.exe and see if that helps. I'm not sure it will be any different from running it through Steam in offline mode, but it's worth giving it a shot.

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