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A FM2010 hypothesis on getting better regens. (Needs testing)

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There appears to be a fairly well known quantity of stats that are responsible for the development of a player in regards to reaching their PA.

With tools like the FMRTE that can mass-edit a wide multitude of players simultaneously (even as easily as selecting "Regens" to mass edit all regen players) would there be a system of mass-editing of regens that can push the overall quality of players up?

For example, would mass-editing all 16-18 regens every 2 years to have an increase in stats that are related to player development give rise to an increase in regen quality of a period of time?

I know that a lot of people view real time editing/save game editing etc. as cheating, but I'd rather have my football to at least retain how competitive it is rather than dull down. I'm well aware there can still be exceptional regens, but the problem is that by 2029+ it seems like you can fit every "World Class" regen (by 2010 standards) into a single team. I'd rather have the world filled with a wealth of choice for the future than a derth.

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