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Money - league Prize money - RULES


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The reason is that you have given your team a large bag of money (balance), but you didn't give them any income.

So while the money is spend, there is no new money coming in.

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2 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

Razlog je v tem, da ste svoji ekipi dali veliko vrečo denarja (ravnotežje), niste pa ji dali nobenih dohodkov.

Medtem ko denar porabimo, ne prihaja nov denar.


how can i change that for the league

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2 billion euros? That's too much, the game won't accept that.

As I said, you should give them income. There is a section called Finances >> General, that's where you add to the balance. You can also set the season ticket prices there.

Under General is a section called other Income, there you can set Sponsor money.

That's for the clubs. For the competition, it depends on how you made the competition, but under the competiton is a section called Prize money and there you can add the price money per win, draw or loss or you can add prize money based on position.

But one thing, keep the amount normal. A Champions League nets around 25 million, 2 billion is not OK. The game will crash at one moment.

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Maybe you know how I could do this relegation contest That the club that is the last to be relegated to the second league and the club that wins the second league advances to the first league, and that CLUBS KEEP THEIR COUNTRIES - THESE LEAGUES WOULD MAKE EUROPEAN COMPETITION

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5 hours ago, grega2020 said:

I don't know how much money to give

elite division
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3

At what level do you want the competition to be? Think about that and then look up what those competitions are handing out or play a round with the vanilla game and see what the game gives for each finishing position.

I can give you a whole lot of information, but you are the one who is building, so you are the one with the idea what to build.

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22 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Na kakšni ravni želite, da je konkurenca? Razmislite o tem in poglejte, kaj se dogaja na tekmovanjih ali igrajte krog z vanilijevo igro in poglejte, kaj igra daje vsakemu končnemu položaju.

Lahko vam dam ogromno informacij, toda vi ste tisti, ki gradi, tako da ste vi tisti, ki imate idejo, kaj zgraditi.


how much money should I give them to make my sky then collapse

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If you put high price money in a competition from, say, San Marino, after a year the sponsor will look at the teams and say, it's not worth it paying that much money to teams.

Just like in reallife.

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1 hour ago, grega2020 said:


i also have an idea to make a league of national champions to play only champions

It's a good idea.

1 hour ago, grega2020 said:


I just don't know how to make divisions for clubs to drop out and advance European matches

Do you have any basic knowledge about adding leagues or recreating existing ones? If not, don't bother because it would be too hard for you.

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