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FM 18 : HOYD for PSG


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Hi ! I signed this guy as a HOYD because his personnality was model citizen and he had great stats but after doing some research i don't see his name mentionned anywhere when asking for great HOYD. So i'm asking myself if he is good enough for the job or is there a better alternative ?


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He has great key attributes and a good personality for the role..

The rest depends on what you have him do... i.e is he going to be coaching? or just sitting back and doing light tasks..

At the end of the day, the main thing a HOYD does is effect the personality of the youth that come through. So you have that area covered.. The only personality I prefer to model citizen is probably model professional.

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Well honestly I just want him to give me the best chance to produce the next messi ! And you prefer model professional ? Why ? I thought model citizen was the best of the best... Am I wrong ? 

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