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[FM15] Jumping into an Alternate World


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Chapter 1: The confusion

I didn’t understand where I was as I woke up on that rainy morning. For starters, I knew I wasn’t on my bed because the sheets weren’t the purple that I had been used to but instead it was white without any dirt on it. Thinking that I might be dreaming, I looked for something to test my theory. But everywhere I looked, there was nothing to test this out.


“Ah, I can see that our patient is awake now” the doctor that must have been treating me saying to his fellow doctors. “How are you today?”


Trying to be all calm and not showing any confused, I responded: “I am fine now, also when can I leave this place?”


“Don’t worry you should be able to leave in about two days”


I felt a sense of relief as my confusion started to go up instead of down as I sense the feeling of not being welcome here. I felt like I needed to ask one last question just so I can sense what that feeling was.


“Umm, Doctor, can I ask what year is this?”


The doctor looks at me, confused for a second before saying his reply, “2014 sir, June 19 to be exact.”


That sudden feeling coming to me now, I had somehow while I sleep went back in time three years to the exact date it was today or I think it was before somehow going back in time.


OOC: Don't worry all will be explain later.

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