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2015/2016 FMS Fantasy Football League

mark wilson27

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Match Day Twenty: Results

Bounced Cech 33 - 31 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 41 - 43 Copper's Horses

FiorenTina Turner 32 - 26 Petr Cech Yourself

Whatever 2015 26 - 21 Fab's Magic Hat

Kindergarten Klopp 40 - 45 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Hangleton Harriers 42 - 30 Moto Club Gunners

Delia Smith FC 31 - 43 Keef's Losers

WishIWasoverpaid XI 29 - 39 Sauntington FC

Wegason Dragons 31 - 40 Dully Demons

Cridersis FC 30 - 37 Salks Failures

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat who scored 21 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Ben(t) Out Of Shape who scored 45 points for the week

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Match Day Twenty One: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 28 - 29 Alexis On Fire

Copper's Horses 37 - 19 Cridersis FC

Salks Failures 27 - 32 Wegason Dragons

Dully Demons 24 - 22 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Sauntington FC 28 - 34 Delia Smith FC

Keef's Losers 33 - 31 Hangleton Harriers

Moto Club Gunners 33 - 27 Kindergarten Klopp

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 53 - 25 Whatever 2015

Fab's Magic Hat 18 - 36 FiorenTina Turner

Petr Cech Yourself 44 - 33 Bounced Cech

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat who scored only 18 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Ben(t) Out Of Shape who grabbed 53 points for the week

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Match Day Twenty Two: Results

FiorenTina Turner 46 - 42 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 79 - 39 Dully Demons

Copper's Horses 36 - 40 Salks Failures

Whatever 2015 40 - 60 Bounced Cech

Kindergarten Klopp 40 - 47 Petr Cech Yourself

Hangleton Harriers 54 - 22 Fab's Magic Hat

Delia Smith FC 45 - 39 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

WishIWasoverpaid XI 56 - 36 Moto Club Gunners

Wegason Dragons 48 - 41 Keef's Losers

Cridersis FC 43 - 51 Sauntington FC

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat for the fifth week running after scoring only 22 points

Performance of the Week goes to Alexis On Fire who scored 79 points for the week

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Match Day Twenty Three: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 38 - 45 Copper's Horses

Salks Failures 41 - 55 Alexis On Fire

Dully Demons 50 - 32 Cridersis FC

Sauntington FC 42 - 33 Wegason Dragons

Keef's Losers 76 - 28 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Moto Club Gunners 54 - 28 Delia Smith FC

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 39 - 71 Hangleton Harriers

Fab's Magic Hat 18 - 50 Kindergarten Klopp

Petr Cech Yourself 50 - 35 Whatever 2015

Bounced Cech 71 - 64 FiorenTina Turner

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat again after only scoring 18 points

Performance of the Week goes to Keef's Losers after scoring 76 pointsfor the week

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FMS Fantasy Cup:

Right lads it's time for the FMS Fantasy League Cup. Let's see who can beat last years winner Hardly Athletic III (mark wilson27). The cup will take League form to start with. The League will be using the points your team scores over the week (So if your teams scores 78 points that is the score I will putting in the League). Starting in Week 26 and finishing in Week 32. The top four teams will progress to the ¼ finals which will be over two legs and obviously the semi and final will be over two legs. The second leg of the final will fall on the final week of the Premier League

The two groups are as follows, and were randomly drawn by my usual random.org website

Group 1: Dully Demons, Moto Club Gunners, Sauntington FC, Alexis On Fire, Keef's Losers, Petr Cech Yourself, Bounced Cech, Hardly Athletic IV, Fiorentina Turner, Delia Smith FC

Group 2: Salks Failures, Cridersis FC, Copper's Horses, Whatever 2015, WishIWasoverpaid XI, Wegason Dragons, Hangleton Harriers, Kindergarten Klopp, Ben(t) Out Of Shape, Fab's Magic Hat

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Match Day Twenty Four: Results

Whatever 2015 67 - 85 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 71 - 82 Keef's Losers

Copper's Horses 49 - 59 Sauntington FC

Salks Failures 70 - 77 Dully Demons

Kindergarten Klopp 77 - 73 FiorenTina Turner

Hangleton Harriers 50 - 64 Bounced Cech

Delia Smith FC 41 - 60 Petr Cech Yourself

WishIWasoverpaid XI 46 - 20 Fab's Magic Hat

Wegason Dragons 66 - 60 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Cridersis FC 72 - 61 Moto Club Gunners

Dunce of the Week goes to you've guessed it Fab's Magic Hat who scored 20 points

Performance of the Week goes to Hardly Athletic IV after scoring 85 points for the week

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Match Day Twenty Five: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 55 - 72 Salks Failures

Dully Demons 47 - 83 Copper's Horses

Sauntington FC 37 - 55 Alexis On Fire

Keef's Losers 71 - 67 Cridersis FC

Moto Club Gunners 63 - 32 Wegason Dragons

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 74 - 64 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Fab's Magic Hat 25 - 41 Delia Smith FC

Petr Cech Yourself 41 - 52 Hangleton Harriers

Bounced Cech 61 - 57 Kindergarten Klopp

FiorenTina Turner 66 - 65 Whatever 2015

Dunce of the Week goes to Surprise Surprise Fab's Magic Hat who scored 25 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Copper's Horses who scored 83 points for the week

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Match Day Twenty Six: Results

Kindergarten Klopp 36 - 33 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 35 - 47 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Copper's Horses 40 - 28 Moto Club Gunners

Salks Failures 31 - 40 Keef's Losers

Dully Demons 38 - 42 Sauntington FC

Hangleton Harriers 39 - 38 Whatever 2015

Delia Smith FC 47 - 37 FiorenTina Turner

WishIWasoverpaid XI 37 - 41 Bounced Cech

Wegason Dragons 44 - 57 Petr Cech Yourself

Cridersis FC 41 - 21 Fab's Magic Hat

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat who scored 21 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Petr Cech Yourself who scored 57 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup:

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Petr Cech Yourself  |   57   | 
| 2nd   | Delia Smith FC      |   47   | 
| 3rd   | Sauntington FC      |   42   | 
| 4th   | Bounced Cech        |   41   | 
| 5th   | Keef's Losers       |   40   | 
| 6th   | Dully Demons        |   38   | 
| 7th   | Fiorentina Turner   |   37   | 
| 8th   | Alexis On Fire      |   35   | 
| 9th   | Hardly Athletic IV  |   33   | 
| 10th  | Moto Club Gunners   |   28   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |   47   |  
| 2nd   | Wegason Dragons     |   44   | 
| 3rd   | Cridersis FC        |   41   | 
| 4th   | Copper's Horses     |   40   | 
| 5th   | Hangleton Harriers  |   39   | 
| 6th   | Whatever 2015       |   38   | 
| 7th   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |   37   | 
| 8th   | Kindergarten Klopp  |   36   | 
| 9th   | Salks Failures      |   31   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |   21   | 

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And you thought the actual Premier League title race was tight! This really could go all the way!

I cant remember a year that has been this close. In truth anyone from 9th could win it with ease. Anyone from 14th could realistically win it if they had a good run

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Match Day Twenty Seven: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 21 - 25 Dully Demons

Sauntington FC 38 - 39 Salks Failures

Keef's Losers 37 - 28 Copper's Horses

Moto Club Gunners 26 - 47 Alexis On Fire

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 37 - 33 Cridersis FC

Fab's Magic Hat 19 - 36 Wegason Dragons

Petr Cech Yourself 22 - 36 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Bounced Cech 49 - 18 Delia Smith FC

FiorenTina Turner 33 - 47 Hangleton Harriers

Whatever 2015 25 - 54 Kindergarten Klopp

Dunce of the Week goes to Delia Smith FC who scored 18 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Kindergarten Klopp who scored 54 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup: Week 2

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Bounced Cech        |   90   | 
| 2nd   | Alexis On Fire      |   82   | 
| 3rd   | Sauntington FC      |   80   | 
| 4th   | Petr Cech Yourself  |   79   | 
| 5th   | Keef's Losers       |   77   | 
| 6th   | Fiorentina Turner   |   70   | 
| 7th   | Delia Smith FC      |   65   | 
| 8th   | Dully Demons        |   63   | 
| 9th   | Moto Club Gunners   |   54   | *Place sorted with matches between each other 
|--------------------------------------|  Week 14 - Hardly Athletic IV 37-66 Moto Club Gunners
| 10th  | Hardly Athletic IV  |   54   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Kindergarten Klopp  |   90   |  
| 2nd   | Hangleton Harriers  |   86   | 
| 3rd   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |   84   | 
| 4th   | Wegason Dragons     |   80   | 
| 5th   | Cridersis FC        |   74   | 
| 6th   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |   73   | 
| 7th   | Salks Failures      |   70   | 
| 8th   | Copper's Horses     |   68   | 
| 9th   | Whatever 2015       |   63   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |   40   | 

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Match Day Twenty Eight: Results

Hangleton Harriers 50 - 39 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 35 - 42 Petr Cech Yourself

Copper's Horses 28 - 35 Fab's Magic Hat

Salks Failures 51 - 32 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Dully Demons 34 - 31 Moto Club Gunners

Sauntington FC 49 - 33 Keef's Losers

Delia Smith FC 48 - 40 Kindergarten Klopp

WishIWasoverpaid XI 37 - 42 Whatever 2015

Wegason Dragons 46 - 31 FiorenTina Turner

Cridersis FC 46 - 30 Bounced Cech

Dunce of the Week goes to Copper's Horses who scored 28 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Salks Failures who scored 51 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup: Week 3

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Sauntington FC      |  129   | 
| 2nd   | Petr Cech Yourself  |  121   | 
| 3rd   | Bounced Cech        |  120   | 
| 4th   | Alexis On Fire      |  117   | 
| 5th   | Delia Smith FC      |  113   | 
| 6th   | Keef's Losers       |  110   | 
| 7th   | FiorenTina Turner   |  101   | 
| 8th   | Dully Demons        |   97   | 
| 9th   | Hardly Athletic IV  |   93   | 
| 10th  | Moto Club Gunners   |   85   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Hangleton Harriers  |  136   |  
| 2nd   | Kindergarten Klopp  |  130   | 
| 3rd   | Wegason Dragons     |  126   | 
| 4th   | Salks Failures      |  121   | 
| 5th   | Cridersis FC        |  120   | 
| 6th   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |  116   | 
| 7th   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |  110   | 
| 8th   | Whatever 2015       |  105   | 
| 9th   | Copper's Horses     |   96   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |   75   | 

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Match Day Twenty Nine: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 41 - 57 Sauntington FC

Keef's Losers 70 - 56 Dully Demons

Moto Club Gunners 69 - 55 Salks Failures

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 53 - 58 Copper's Horses

Fab's Magic Hat 59 - 48 Alexis On Fire

Petr Cech Yourself 28 - 42 Cridersis FC

Bounced Cech 62 - 33 Wegason Dragons

FiorenTina Turner 77 - 49 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Whatever 2015 48 - 27 Delia Smith FC

Kindergarten Klopp 44 - 80 Hangleton Harriers

Dunce of the Week goes to Delia Smith FC who scored 27 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Hangleton Harriers who scored 80 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup: Week 4

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Sauntington FC      |  186   | 
| 2nd   | Bounced Cech        |  182   | 
| 3rd   | Keef's Losers       |  180   | 
| 4th   | FiorenTina Turner   |  178   | 
| 5th   | Alexis On Fire      |  165   | 
| 6th   | Moto Club Gunners   |  154   | 
| 7th   | Dully Demons        |  153   | 
| 8th   | Petr Cech Yourself  |  149   | 
| 9th   | Delia Smith FC      |  140   | 
| 10th  | Hardly Athletic IV  |  134   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Hangleton Harriers  |  216   |  
| 2nd   | Salks Failures      |  176   | 
| 3rd   | Kindergarten Klopp  |  174   | 
| 4th   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |  169   | 
| 5th   | Cridersis FC        |  162   | 
| 6th   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |  159   | *Place sorted with matches between eachother
| 7th   | Wegason Dragons     |  159   |  Week 16 WishIWasoverpaid XI 53-23 Wegason Dragons 
| 8th   | Copper's Horses     |  154   | 
| 9th   | Whatever 2015       |  153   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |  134   | 

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Match Day Thirty: Results

Alexis On Fire 62 - 70 FiorenTina Turner

Copper's Horses 50 - 54 Bounced Cech

Salks Failures 39 - 20 Petr Cech Yourself

Dully Demons 55 - 23 Fab's Magic Hat

Sauntington FC 56 - 32 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Keef's Losers 43 - 53 Moto Club Gunners

Delia Smith FC 23 - 42 Hardly Athletic IV

WishIWasoverpaid XI 46 - 52 Hangleton Harriers

Wegason Dragons 38 - 30 Kindergarten Klopp

Cridersis FC 34 - 26 Whatever 2015

Dunce of the Week goes to Petr Cech Yourself who scored 20 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to FiorenTina Turner who scored 70 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup: Week 5

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Fiorentina Turner   |  248   | 
| 2nd   | Sauntington FC      |  242   | 
| 3rd   | Bounced Cech        |  236   | 
| 4th   | Alexis On Fire      |  227   | 
| 5th   | Keef's Losers       |  223   | 
| 6th   | Dully Demons        |  208   | 
| 7th   | Moto Club Gunners   |  207   | 
| 8th   | Hardly Athletic IV  |  176   | 
| 9th   | Petr Cech Yourself  |  169   | 
| 10th  | Delia Smith FC      |  163   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Hangleton Harriers  |  268   | 
| 2nd   | Salks Failures      |  215   | 
| 3rd   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |  205   | 
| 4th   | Copper's Horses     |  204   | *Position decided by matches against eachother
|======================================|  Week 16 - Kindergarten Klopp 42-62 Copper's Horses
| 5th   | Kindergarten Klopp  |  204   | 
| 6th   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |  201   | 
| 7th   | Wegason Dragons     |  197   | 
| 8th   | Cridersis FC        |  196   | 
| 9th   | Whatever 2015       |  179   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |  157   | 

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Match Day Thirty One: Results

Hardly Athletic IV 72 - 58 Keef's Losers

Moto Club Gunners 74 - 77 Sauntington FC

Ben(t) Out Of Shape 39 - 81 Dully Demons

Fab's Magic Hat 39 - 56 Salks Failures

Petr Cech Yourself 40 - 82 Copper's Horses

Bounced Cech 73 - 82 Alexis On Fire

FiorenTina Turner 70 - 61 Cridersis FC

Whatever 2015 56 - 63 Wegason Dragons

Kindergarten Klopp 46 - 86 WishIWasoverpaid XI

Hangleton Harriers 80 - 42 Delia Smith FC

Dunce of the Week goes to Fab's Magic Hat and Ben(t) Out Of Shape who both scored 39 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to WishIWasoverpaid XI who scored 86 points for the week

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Fantasy Cup: Week 6

Group 1

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Sauntington FC      |  319   | 
| 2nd   | FiorenTina Turner   |  318   | 
| 3rd   | Alexis On Fire      |  309   | **Position sorted by Matches between - Week 12 Bounced Cech 37-56 Alexis On Fire
|--------------------------------------|   Week 31 Bounced Cech 73-82 Alexis On Fire (agg 138-110 Alexis on Fire)
| 4th   | Bounced Cech        |  309   | 
| 5th   | Dully Demons        |  289   | 
| 6th   | Moto Club Gunners   |  281   | ** Position sorted by Matches between - Week 11 Keef's Losers 57-65 Moto Club Gunners
|--------------------------------------|    Week 30 Keef's Losers 43-53 Moto Club Gunners (agg 118-100 Moto Club Gunners)
| 7th   | Keef's Losers       |  281   | 
| 8th   | Hardly Athletic IV  |  248   | 
| 9th   | Petr Cech Yourself  |  209   | 
| 10th  | Delia Smith FC      |  205   | 

Group 2

| Pos   | Team Name           | Points | 
| 1st   | Hangleton Harriers  |  348   | 
| 2nd   | WishIWasoverpaid XI |  291   | 
| 3rd   | Copper's Horses     |  286   | 
| 4th   | Salks Failures      |  271   | 
| 5th   | Wegason Dragons     |  260   | 
| 6th   | Cridersis FC        |  257   | 
| 7th   | Kindergarten Klopp  |  250   | 
| 8th   | Ben(t) Out Of Shape |  240   | 
| 9th   | Whatever 2015       |  235   | 
| 10th  | Fab's Magic Hat     |  196   | 

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Match Day Thirty Two: Results

WishIWasoverpaid XI 57 - 48 Hardly Athletic IV

Alexis On Fire 49 - 28 Kindergarten Klopp

Copper's Horses 54 - 36 Whatever 2015

Salks Failures 40 - 66 FiorenTina Turner

Dully Demons 55 - 65 Bounced Cech

Sauntington FC 63 - 29 Petr Cech Yourself

Keef's Losers 69 - 45 Fab's Magic Hat

Moto Club Gunners 76 - 37 Ben(t) Out Of Shape

Wegason Dragons 66 - 44 Delia Smith FC

Cridersis FC 35 - 74 Hangleton Harriers

Dunce of the Week goes to Kindergarten Klopp who scored 28 points for the week

Performance of the Week goes to Moto Club Gunners who scored 76 points for the week

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