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[FM11] Player profile.xml - show polygon analyzer OR attributes


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Sorry for the stupid title. Someone came up to me with an idea. He wanted to have the view from FM08 Flex skin. Here's a picture:


So basically he wants to use a dropdown menu to choose whether to see the Attributes or the Attributes Analyzer (polygon thing). I managed it to reproduce this view for FM11 (using the BaseSkin for testing proposals). But now I'm a bit stuck. It has no effect when clicking on "Show recent attribute changes". The event for this is missing and I'm not sure how to implement it correctly. So maybe someone can help me out here.

Here's the conecerned player profile.xml. I've marked the possible spot where to get active.

<panel title="Player Profile Panel">


<!-- attribute colouring -->
<integer id="exca" value="16" /> <!-- excellent threshold -->
<integer id="excn" value="11" /> <!-- normal threshold -->
<integer id="excl" value="6" /> <!-- low threshold -->

<!-- Set Current View -->
<integer id="current_view_menu" value="attv" />

<!-- MAIN AREA -->
 	 <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<container class="titled_box" id="tibx" title="Player Profile">
       <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" gap="1"/>
       <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />
  	    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

	<!-- buttons area -->
	<container id="btna" embed_in_frame="true">

		<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" embed_in_frame="true" gap="0" offset="4"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" layout_children="true" embed_in_frame="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" embed_in_frame="true" inset="4"/>

		<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" embed_in_frame="true"/>
		<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" embed_in_frame="true"/>

		<!-- player view menu -->
		<widget class="embedded_popup_button" id="attv" text="Ansichten" sele="attr" auto_size="horizontal" fixed="true" auto_tick_exclusive="false" embed_in_frame="true" appearance="menu/embedded/view" save_current_state="true" save_default_state="true">
			<list id="items">
				<!-- ids match the multi-box individual panel ids below! -->
				<record id="over" name="Uebersicht" />
				<record id="patp" name="Attribute" />
				<record id="----"/>
				<record id="shtr" name="Show recent attribute changes[COMMENT: text on player_profile panel to toggle the attribute change arrows RE-TRANSLATE FOR FM2008]" event_id="shtr" auto_tick="true"/>

			<record id="select_event">
				<flags id="event_id" value="mbse" />		<!-- the multi-box select event -->
				<flags id="event_target" value="pamb" />	<!-- the multi-box itself -->

		</widget> <!-- view menu -->

	</container> <!-- buttons -->

	<!-- Show Training Effects 
	<widget class="check_box" text="Show recent effects of training[COMMENT: text on player_profile panel to toggle the effects of training]" id="shtr" clke="shtr" auto_size="all" save_current_state="true" save_default_state="true" embed_in_frame="true">
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" embed_in_frame="true" inset="7"/>
	</widget> -->

		<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-8,-3" offset="0" gap="0"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" offset="0" layout="-3,-6" gap="4"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

			<!-- Personal Details -->
			<container id="pdet" file="player profile personal details"/>

			<!-- Multi box for different views -->
			<container class="multi_box" id="pamb">

				<flags id="top_kind" value="group_box" />
				<flags id="top_layout" value="horizontal" />
				<record id="top_properties">
					<flags id="auto_size" value="vertical" />

				<flags id="bottom_kind" value="group_box"/>
				<flags id="bottom_layout" value="horizontal" />
				<record id="bottom_properties">
					<flags id="auto_size" value="vertical" />

				<flags id="contents_kind" value="gbox" />
				<flags id="default_item" value="patp" />
				[color=red]This should be the place where to add an event for shtr. But how?[/color]
				<boolean id="save_current_state" value="true"/>

				<!-- Attributes Container -->
       	<container class="player_attributes_panel" id="patp">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

				</container> <!-- Attributes Container -->

				<!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->
				<container class="group_box" id="over">
					<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="0"/>
					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

					<!-- Attribute Analyser -->
					<container id="ppaa" file="player profile attribute analyser"/>

				</container> <!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->

			</container>  <!-- Multi box -->


		<container class="player_availability_panel" id="pavl"/>


       <container class="player_stats_panel" id="pstp"/>

I've attached the the concerning two panels within a little file:


Just exctract to the panels folder of a skin. Any ideas are welcome. :)

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