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Manager Photo Disappearing


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Hey everyone,

I applied a few kitpacks, logopacks, facepacks, etc. to my game (didn't really touch anything outside the graphics folder). They all work fine, but when I loaded the game, my manager photo seemed to disappear. If I try to load a new game, my manager profile still has it, but it doesn't appear when I load the save game.

What could have caused this, and is there a config file somewhere that I can edit to have my manager photo back?

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This is just an idiosyncrasy of the game (and previous games as well) Here is a short guide I wrote on sortitoutsi.net to fix the problem:

It's a little bit fiddly but worth the effort.

1) In-game, go to prefs, display & sound, select "show unique IDs", untick "use skin cache" & tick "always reload on confirm".

Wait while it sorts itself out, then go to your manager info and you'll see a long number underneath you name something like...139456789123....make a note of this number.

2) Save your chosen picture of you as this ID (making sure it's a .PNG file) into the following folder:

my documents/sports interactive/fm20010/graphics/faces/me

(You may need to create the last 3 folders)

3) Next you need to create a config file (the file that links the game to the image) and put it in the folder "me" with your picture.

You can download THIS which will do it automatically for you or create one yourself using this template I've created for you HERE - Use a basic Text Editor (simply change the bits that says "change me" to your ID number you got earlier) Save it.

4) Go back to your game prefs and untick "Show unique IDs" click confirm and hey presto your picture should be there.

NOTE: It is worth doing this if you regularly download faces/logos/skins/etc as the game often "forgets" your manager number. This way (Within that saved game) it will always be there.

ALSO NOTE: You will need to do this for each new Saved game as the game generates a new manager ID for every save.

Any questions give me a shout.

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Hi sorry to be a pain i no you will think im a novice as i havent been on this forum but i know how to do a far bit with files on fm i have just tried everything you have told me to above but when i reload the game my picture doesnt appear i have saved it as png file and changes it to my manager code i have done the config and changed the lines that say change me to my number but so no manager picture so please could you help i may be just being a little thick haha it may be something simples im missing

sorry being pain again ive fixed it for some reason the config file i downloaded from your link didnt work i just added the full lines after i changed them on your config to a facepack config that i knew was working as bobs your uncle i now have to managers with photos

if that made sense

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hi mine isnt working this is my config


<!-- resource manager options -->

<!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->

<boolean id="preload" value="false"/>

<!-- turn off auto mapping -->

<boolean id="amap" value="false"/>

<!-- logo mappings -->

<!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions

in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any

place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics

files from the correct places


<list id="maps">

<!-- TEMPLATE created by RowRow78 -->

<record from="1394643937" to="graphics/pictures/person/CHANGE ME/portrait"/>



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all sorted now

Anyone know how to modify manager profile?

For example, I use big facepack players (size 200x400) and I'd like to use the same size for manager facepack...

And when I'm on the manager profile in-game, the picture is small...

I suppose I must modify "manager profile" panel but i don't know which line modify...

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