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Posts posted by joeycookson

  1. 16 hours ago, santy001 said:

    I've not got much knowledge in terms of if the editor is available through the MS store or how to get it.

    However, depending upon exactly what it is you're looking to do (there are quite a few limitations it imposes) there is a Create-a-Club option when starting up a new game. It may be worth checking that out and seeing if its what you're after until someone who knows a bit more comes along.

    Just noticed you get a budget which you can't go over on that game mode. Dammit

  2. 16 minutes ago, santy001 said:

    I've not got much knowledge in terms of if the editor is available through the MS store or how to get it.

    However, depending upon exactly what it is you're looking to do (there are quite a few limitations it imposes) there is a Create-a-Club option when starting up a new game. It may be worth checking that out and seeing if its what you're after until someone who knows a bit more comes along.

    Thank you! I'll give that a try not sure how much editing that allows but we will see.

  3. Hey!
    So i was thinking of starting a new save and using the Steam editor to add in a new team and having a play with that. Then I noticed I downloaded my version of Football manager 21 from the Microsoft store as it is currently Free if you have gamepass.. Are there any editors that'll let me create a club like the Steam one that work for the Windows version?? (It is still the full FM 21 game just doesn't run through steam)

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