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Posts posted by WoGiTaLiA

  1. Having great training results from an improvement side.

    But I am also getting absolutely hammered on the injury front.

    Basically I have had the same base squad for about 3 seasons and had next to no injuries. Applied this system and I'm noting a lot of weight room injuries and hamstring, twisted knee, knee sprains and groin strains/tears on the training track.

    I am Torquay United, in the Premier League, facilities are about a 15 I think. I can almost certainly link the training and injuries as they basically started happening a week after I put everyone on them. They do appear to have slowed of late as the team has rounded into match fitness and what not, I have been using them approximately 9 months, most injuries were when I first started and then right after the squad got back from pre-season. Squad has basically gotten healthy right now.

    Haven't noticed a negative morale effect, but I am running a very successful and winning team and my Ass Man does an excellent job in the press conferences of not upsetting players so I am not really in a morale watching position.

    I am certainly seeing gains, most notable has been the gains in my young DL/DR guys, who as I play a 3-4-1-2 are improving pretty much entirely due to training(and are of no use to me of course) and the CMs. In the main squad it is the AM/CM/CB showing the most improvement, though I think this is probably more related to that also being where my youngest guys are who should be improving(My CBs are 23, 22 and 21, all mids between 18 and 24) Have only noticed gains in one striker so far(22) the 24 year old has shown no gains. The 38 year old has maintained and the 29yo has also shown no movement either way.

    Overall it has been a success implementing the schedules. The injuries so far have only really hit replaceable players and not the stars that my team is built around.

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