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Posts posted by ChelseaSince86

  1. 38 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

    Agree with CPU and Ram but what one person thinks is "fast" processing may be considered average by another. Somewhat amazed that you run 86 leagues and your machine flies through processing. I have 17 7700 @ 3.6ghz with 16gb ram and use SSD. I only run 28 leagues full detail and large database with circa 64000 players at start and I would not consider processing to fly. Its ok but I would not say my pc flies through processing. The game estimates my speed with set up indicated at 2 stars......

    My game speed is 1 and a half stars or maybe 2.  Processing fixtures and going from day to day is very quick.  I dont mess with the detail level, its whatever default is. 

  2. Loving the new tactics (or what seems to be new) and pre-season tactical scheduling.


    Very purple though... suppose i'll get used to it.   When i watched the FM videos last year? maybe one before, it seemed very green but it grew on me.  I think its a nice start to things myself


    EDIT: I just hope to god text/font in our inbox and elsewhere in the game is of a sufficient colour to be read and understood amongst the purple.  Dark red, black etc on the purple would be disastrous.  Has to be white IMO on news inbox especially

  3. Goals from crosses do seem a bit too often for my liking but i suspect it is down to my tactics.


    Only gripe i really had, forgotten which match, but it was like the ball was roughly between penalty spot and 6-yard box (oppo player shot and it hit my defender) and my keeper didn't come off his line to claim it, instead i watched the opposition striker steam in from outside the box, ahead of my CB's and rifle it home.   I think the keepers need to be slightly tweaked in order to come off their line and clean up loose balls more often.   


    It has only happened once so far, touch wood

  4. 4 hours ago, Chris21 said:

    Whilst 'worst ever' is a bit strong, I do agree that to be a month in and still get lags and freezes is pretty bad. I understand things have improved but hardly to the extent to make it so badly, even with good machines. People can much higher graphical games than this. It's the only thing holding the game back for me personally and I believe this should have been rectified by now especially as we're on our third hotfix

    Processing is fine for me, real quick to be fair.   General navigating is quite horrible though lag still there.  I raised it in the bug forum.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Do you mean slower than FM17? Quite a lot has gone into this version of FM, with the new scouting, dynamics and huge amount of AI both in transfers and matches. To compensate the game has to process a lot more so there will be times when processing isn't super quick. 

    fair point. Cheers.  Its not that slow in all honesty

  6. Apologies if posted already but anyone noticing the UI being more sluggish when you're scrolling through your inbox news, and have received a bid for a player.   That one news item of the transfer/loan offer doesn't seem smooth. Still seems to me the UI needs further optimizing, although it is far better than what it was.


    Looking forward to Friday

  7. 7 hours ago, Swell86 said:

    I like to manage 2 teams at once on a save, and I received the notification for one team and not the other.  It was very strange and quite frustrating because my main team was the one without the deadline day festivities. 

    weird isnt it.  I didnt even get the usual little red box in the calendar saying the transfer window closes on said day.  I didnt realise so thought it was a normal day at first, checked and seen the date and totally confused as to why it has stopped all the usual graphics and drama

  8. started another tester save before Fridays main release and again i have hit the 31st august,  with nothing to tell me it is deadline day.  No option to take part, the yellow strip across top of inbox from fm17 which used to tell you latest deals in real time; is nowhere to be seen (unless removed of course by design).  


    Have not got the screen which tells you total number of deals, how much spent so far.  

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