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Toronto Blizzard

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Everything posted by Toronto Blizzard

  1. I'm on a Mac. I'm going to try re-installing this evening. Strangely, I can run the FM24 editor and FM24 itself at the same time. UPDATE: I tried reinstalling both but the issue persists...
  2. Hello community, I've just purchased FM24. I've had a long-running custom database file that has grown and been updated from FM20 to FM22. I decided it was time to re-do the database from scratch. Back when I was working on the FM22 file, I was able to open both the FM20 and FM22 editors at the same time, which made copying advanced rules so much easier. I've tried to do the same with the FM22 and FM24 editors, but once I've opened one, the second never seems to open (doesn't matter which order I open them in). Steam looks like it'll run the second program, but then it closes and the Steam library button goes back to "Play". Am I doing something wrong, or is this functionality gone? Many thanks.
  3. I'm no expert, but you should look at the Champions League cup's set-up date - if the set up date is before the regional cups can finish, then the game will correctly pick the most recently "qualified" teams - from the last fully completed version of the competition - the previous year's.
  4. You have to list them in the config file in a specific order. What I did was create an adboards numbering 1-99 (literally just white boards with a 1, 2, 3... on them). If you load them into each club's section in that order you can see which number in the list corresponds to which adboard in the stadium. Every stadium is different, but sometimes similarly sized stadiums have the same layout. Let's say you want a Sports Interactive board right behind the east goal. When you load the numbered adboards you see that the adboard that you want for Sports Interactive is "37". Once you figure out what you want in each spot around the stadium and in the stands, you just have to put the Sports Interactive one 37th in the list. For this to work you have to actually have 36 entries before #37. You can have the same adboard appear multiple times if you want. Say Sports Interactive's number is 12231. It would look like this in the config file: 33. 12235 34. 12230 35. 12240 36. 12241 37. 12231 You can also assign set competition and national adboards. The challenge is that those typically get loaded once the game has run through your whole list of assigned adboards. That means that you need to figure out where alongside the pitch you want the competition boards to start and then only assign numbers in the list up to that point. So let's say you want a competition adboard ("Major League Soccer") to be right in front of the visiting bench and that is #60 when you load the numbered boards). You'd have to have 59 entries, and the once the game has run through all 59, it starts with competition boards, then nation (I believe).
  5. I would certainly be happy to test and provide feedback for a Mac version. Since it's just creating an XML of created data, would it be backwards-compatible to recent FMs as well? (thinking FM22 specifically)
  6. Yes, I believe their nation is Canada and the based nation is Quebec, whereas all the other Quebec-based teams were unchanged. I'll check how I set the Hogges up when I'm at home to be certain.
  7. I think you mean Chivas Guadalajara (Mexico-based)? - in reality, Chivas USA signed players who weren't of Mexican descent. That said, I don't know what it says for Chivas USA in the editor. For Bermuda Hogges, I found something interesting. I created a 'nation' of Quebec and made the Hogges a Quebec team. I changed the nation for the region of Quebec from Canada to Quebec but made no changes to the cities (I think - I matched your Quebec file for FM22). Anyway, newgens generated by any other clubs who were born in the region/cities of Quebec were dual nationals, but those generated by the re-branded Hogges were Quebec nationality only. I assume that has something to do with the Hogges hard-coding (or perhaps I've done something wrong).
  8. I am trying to make a new flag. I've got the image itself at 25 x 11 pixels, but I'm having trouble getting the canvas size right so that the new flag (Quebec) aligns with the other flags (I've tried it with 50 x 11). How big does the canvas need to be? I also created a @2x image, though I haven't changed the canvas size on that one yet.
  9. To build on @rusty217 - you would need: Year 1 file (make sure to enter start and end years) - 1st div 12 teams, 1 relegated; 2nd div 24 teams, 3 promoted Year 2 file (make sure to enter start and end years) - 1st division 14 teams, 1 relegated; 2nd div 22 teams, 3 promoted Year 3 file (make sure to enter start and end years) - 1st division 16 teams, 1 relegated; 2nd div 20 teams, 3 promoted Year 4 file (just need start year as this is going to be the 'going forward' version) - 1st division 18 teams, however many relegations you want going forward; 2nd div 18 teams, however many promotions you want Make sure to also set the minimum and maximum number of teams for these competitions in the nation rules - i.e., for div 1, min 12 max 18 and for div 2, min 18 max 24
  10. Hello, I want to create a structure where five years down the road (2026 as I'm playing FM22) four new teams join the second (lowest) division. What's the best way to do this? Could I create a version of the second division for that year that has 'get all teams from division' and then the four specific teams? Another option I guess would be to create a "league" with those four teams and then just for 2025 four teams are promoted from that league and none are relegated to it? Can I create a hidden competition, or only a hidden stage? Many thanks!
  11. Thanks to both of you, @Johnny Ace and @Justified! Taking both of your suggestions into consideration (if I've understood/combined them correctly), I get something like this - swapped the two CM so that the MEZ isn't drifting into the IF's space on the left. Turned the DLP into a DM(d) and made the FB more attacking. I think I agree that I want a left-footed Treq on the right, so I've kept it as in the original. I will probably create a mirror version since the other guy I'm likely to play as the Treq is right-footed.
  12. I've had a lot of joy with the 4-3-3, but found that my standard version had trouble against teams who sat deep and restricted space (which I'm seeing more and more often). Based on what I've learned in this thread (which has been my 'must check every day') , I've come up with this. I would use this when I'm dominating but can't break through. I'm the strongest team in my league. Thoughts? (this is FM22) I've used it a couple of times and the results were good (just so happened to be against the same team, once in pre-season and once early in the season), so the sample size is limited. I went with a trequartista because a) I wanted to try it, b) since I'm going to be using this in games I expect to dominate I thought I could afford a role that might not put as much work in defensively, and c) I have a few players who I think are good enough to play it at my level. Also wondering what the community's thoughts are on the footedness of the trequartista - are they like inverted wingers/inside forwards where if he's on the right it's better if he's left-footed, or does it not matter?
  13. I have a four-player online game for which I have created a large number of custom graphics (logos, 2d and 3d kits, static and video adboards). Everything appears with no issues on my computer. When my friend plays his own game with the custom editor database, he can see all the graphics. However, when we play the online game (run off of my computer) he can see everything except for the 2d kits. Any ideas why this might be the case?
  14. Chiming in to agree with the posters above - you're watching highlights and all of a sudden someone's at the spot - I'd like to see why!
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