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Everything posted by Alexpuk2002

  1. I have completely forgotten, but does anyone know what graphic controls the result box as shown below? Ideally would like to change the colour of the box and the text and it is probably a paper xml that I need to edit, but ca't remember where it is.
  2. @TCSSkin did you manage to get the light base skin that you were looking at in FM23 finished so we can create and use light skins instead of the dark ones that are available?
  3. I am liking the look of how you have laid out the player and staff profiles. I tend to find the staff profile and the manager profile is pretty much the same xml file so it should be pretty straight forward to get the manager profile to look the same to keep the continuity of them the same. Looking forward to when this skin is released.
  4. Which panel controls this screen? I'd like to change the text from dark to light so its more readable.
  5. I believe it was from one of the TCS skins from FM22 so credit has to go to @bluestillidie00
  6. Never thought of looking in buttons. Sorted it, thanks
  7. I'm sure this has been answered before, but what controls the colour of the transfer value tag? I am wanting to change this from frey to something else. I have had a look in the settings file but can't see what might control it.
  8. This is controlled by the stadium overview.xml file in panels/club. If you take the file from there and then just look for what graphics are reference in there and copy those over too
  9. I have a Macbook and strangely FM17 works on mine from Steam and I am on macOS Ventura
  10. Yes, thats the one I've been looking for ages
  11. I posted this for the FM22 skin at the time but I still haven't managed to find out which colour setting or xml file controls the tick colour or the colour of the box behind it. Does anyone know how to change the background colour from blue and the tick colour from black?
  12. No I'm not planning on releasing the skin as there are a lot of panels and graphics from other skins which isn't my work
  13. Got another one that I can't figure out how to change. What controls the colour of the background on the result in the screenshot below? I have changed the result_background value and result_time_background colour in the settings file, but it doesn't change the colour. EDIT - Fixed this issue now
  14. Which panel controls the colour of the attributes box on the team squad screen? I have had a look in team squad.xml but I can't see anything in there.
  15. Managed to find it, it was in the classes folder and was the player_picker_button.xml file
  16. I have copied the settings over from his bas skin to mine and it still doesn't change the colour. Looks like I will have to do the longer step of copying each xml over until I find the right one
  17. I have had it black before by using @michaeltmurrayuk base light skin from previous FM's, but no idea which panel or setting he changed to change the text
  18. I have had a look at the team squad tactics panel and can't figure out which line controls the colour of the text.
  19. Does anyone know which panel controls the text colour for the positions within the tactics screen? I would like to change it from white to black. Below is the screen that I mean and I have put a red box around the area.
  20. If you are using the match score area panel.xml file that I linked then the clock colour isn't set in there. You will have to change it in your settings.xml file. If you put or change the following in the settings file then this will change the text of the match clock to white. <colour name="match scoreboard clock" value="white"/>
  21. The file that controls that is widgets/training schedule session calendar match widget.xml. I believe I asked @bluestillidie00 in this thread around the time FM21 was released how he got his calendar to look like that and he shared that file with me. I have used it ever since in FM22 and FM23 and it still works
  22. You may have to look at both the details area for the team you created in the editor and the kit colour for that team. I know some teams in the kit area have a section called text that has different background and foreground colours. Other than than I am not sure that it is anything to do with the scoreboard files.
  23. It is the code which I posted a couple of posts up
  24. That would be great if you could
  25. I've had a look at those and it doesn't seem to be them, not that I can see
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