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Posts posted by kireel

  1. 1 hour ago, mahanhz said:

    Really disappointed with FM this year.

    I usually play FM until around March time before I lose interest, but this year I started to lose interest around mid December.

    My main interest has generally been creating my own tactic and watching my team play nice attractive football that leads me to success and sometimes disappointment, but nonetheless I can see the result of my efforts being reflected on the pitch.

    Like every year trial and error brings me to something I like to play a career game with, however this years mindless long shots and overpowered goalkeepers (Man Utd managed 90+ points each season and won CL 3 years in a row primarily because De Gea rarely conceded a goal), have left me bored.

    This years version isn't really a simulator anymore.. It is just a program with random numbers and algorithms, that doesn't even make any sense...  

  2. Just a quick question... How is it really possible that several key players of my team (Eibar) which I managed to qualify for the CL with two consecutive years, are unhappy, because they want to leave my club for a 9 placed Celta og 12 placed Espanyol???? Where is the realism or logic to this??? Leicester wins PL and qualifies for the CL and Vardy vines his way to Stoke... Really?

  3. 1 minute ago, HUNT3R said:

    No idea, since it's not in English. If it's the same tactic as in your other thread, then your own analysis screen shows the issue - behind the midfielders there's a weakness as no one is protecting the critical area in front of the defence.

    You also have an enormous amount of TIs, which is always worrying as everytime someone posts something like this, they ruined a tactic more than they helped it. It's not English, so I don't know what you have selected though and can't comment.

    Man, I do know how TI work, because until this years version I NEVER had problems with my tactics....

  4. 1 minute ago, HUNT3R said:

    Hopefully you're still keeping the overall tactic in mind, which is more important. "All the right things" is all fine and well, but not all plans work out. Your plans take into consideration pre-match, but what about taking into account what actually happens in a match? Things don't always work, so a change or two may be needed.

    That is exactly my problem with the game. I have to make wrong decisions in order for them to be right? That doesn't even make any sense.. Why do we have colors on player roles and team strengths and weaknesses-bars if they are useless??? I don`t want to micromanage in-game, it is not why I bought this game. I do not enjoy making drastic changes that would never ever work in RL only to kick the feet under my opponent, comprende hombre? 

  5. 34 minutes ago, fidelitywars said:

    I get that posts like the above are unlikely to go down well with the moderators etc on these boards but I really do understand the frustration which leads to such outbursts. The ME following the latest patch is very, very cross/width orientated and for those of us that don't want to play that way, it's utterly infuriated. As has been said, finishing seems off, especially from range, it seems far too easy to just defend deep and the on-ball decision making of supposedly clever, technical creators now leaves a lot to be desired.

    For me, the key frustration in all of this was that the ME seemed far more varied and enjoyable prior to the patch than it has been in years and in essence, the latest release seems to have fundamentally changed the game to the point where it's a challenged to ween even the vaguest slither of enjoyment from it.

    As i've said, I do hope that SI are investigating (or at least will investigate after the xmas/NY lull) rather than seeing these complaints and dismissing them as tactical issues/a minority of disgruntled users as it really, really does seem to me that the game has gone backwards post-patch. 

    The match Engine is totally destroyed.. I mean. I do ALL THE THINGS RIGHT pre-match and in-game. I set all the best players in their best roles, I play on my teams strength, I keep my players happy with superb morale all over. I implement some changes in order to exploit my opponents weaknesses. I do the OI In game, I make players happy with team talk, I train my team accordingly to my next opponent, I put all the best players in their best set piece-roles and I even take the weather into consideration. And I still end up losing for 18th placed team at home, even though I totally trash their box with chances..  This is just unrealistically ridiculous. I mean, what else can be expected of me as a manager? Do I actually have to be Manager: level Jesus to win a match or what?  

  6. 1 minute ago, forameuss said:

    You didn't mention anything that points to anything being broken, which is why I picked up on that particularly,

    The rest of what you say just isn't true.  I've stuck to one formation, mostly auto-picking teams with only slight rotation, and I got up to Serie A in consecutive seasons from Serie D (with one additional in the second tier).  If you've got problems, that's fair enough, but throwing out wild hyperbole doesn't really help your point and just makes it seem ridiculous.

    Well if you truly believe that I am the only one to pinpoint those problems, good luck...

  7. 12 minutes ago, forameuss said:

    Well, not really.  I did ask how exactly that could be, giving you the opportunity to put forward your points as actual feedback, but I see you'd rather be...that.  Well done.

    I thought I mentioned some of the problems in the first comment? My bad.


    How am I supposed to play the game, to enjoy the plain simplicity of managing a team when I have to take into consideration 4 billion details prior to the match, in-match and afterwords? Where is the fun in that for those of us who're not supermanagers? I do get the realism- argument, but come on.

    My biggest problem is as following


    Some times it feels like you have to use certain styles of play and change your team shape in order to have any chance to score at all against  AI.. And sometimes some systems are 100% deadly against mine, no matter how I counter them. Why cant I go a whole season without having to change my tactic, team shape, mentality etc 3 00000 times ??? 

  8. Well, where do I start. For starters I really regret paying 40 some pounds for this broken game. The things that annoys me the most are as following:


    Game skin is totally useless.

    In game engine is 110% broken

    The game constantly looks for an opportunity to make my FM life suck big time.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to play even 1 single match without micromanaging now. Why can`t the SI make a version for the players, who dont like the Benitez detail-oriented managing style?? Why do I have to constantly look for things to adapt in game in order not to concede a stupid goal ? Cant they just make FM-classic? Like before?

    You have to adapt and keep your tactics dynamic every 2-3 games tops in order not to get crushed by the AI.

    The players are making waaaay too many STUPID mistakes like backing off the ball for some strange reason, so that opposition player can easily snatch the ball in a 90-10% challange.. Goalies doing stupid s***.. Plenty more frustrating stuff..

    The whole engine looks fiasco, if the dudes in SI really tried to make the game more realistic, they are moving forward backwards, because this game in no longer a simulator, it is a disgrace.. 

    Absolutely nothing to like about it.

    I constantly sit with a feeling that this years version is made to **** off the players intentionally and to reduce the FM- fan base...

    I want my money back.

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