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Posts posted by Gunblade

  1. 11 hours ago, du Garbandier said:

    Meanwhile, IRL, just saw this:

    Ange Postecoglou 🗣️ - “Mate, I don't sit there listening to other manager's press conferences. There's 10 other managers in the league or whatever and if you think I spend my time sitting there wondering if each of them have something to say about...
    Ask me about Aberdeen tomorrow, ask me about the game tomorrow, ask me about our training.
    But asking me about what another manager has said in reference to another game altogether is just not on my radar so why I'd need to comment on it I've got no idea."
    What's probably clear is I should have taken another week off”
    Ange Postecoglou response when asked about Livingston manager David Martindale's and his thoughts on The Rangers squad depth and then Michael Beale's claims that they were on par with the Scottish champions


    If only we got something like that as a reply option, I'd select it every time. Which, I guess would still make it pointless if they continue to keep asking the same question every week...

  2. There was a YouTube video by "evidence based football manager" for fm22 where he tested training regimens. Apparently set price training is worthless. It will NOT improve any set piece attributes. Free kicks, corners, throw ins, even penalties do zero for improving penalties. Not sure if that was ever fixed but I guess not.

    On a related note, apparently he tested match prep training too. Does nothing for helping you win the next game except for tactical familiarity. Get familiarity to max and then probably throw that training in the bin.

    Not seen all the videos so best double check.

  3. On 06/01/2023 at 07:25, enigmatic said:


    (I'd explain, but your own post already does that :D)

    Should there be a CA rebalanced though just for a side change? Given that, in reality, the required skill set, tactical mentality, and physical requirements would be exactly the same for the opposite side of the same position.

    The only real difference? 

    Which foot you use, which would affect the performance as okay, yes, you have to get use to presominantly using the other foot,  but should that really require a CA rebalancing act? 

  4. I Have Kevin Gonzalez, and Attacking Mid, playing for my Championship team for the past 5 seasons. He's played long enough that I'm absolutely confident that it isn't a statistical fluke/one off, though I can't really prove it as I haven't exactly recorded it. you'll just have to believe me when I say that his ability at long shots would make Messi clap with joy (Maybe). An absolute beast of a long range shooter, from 20 yards to as far as 40 yards he scores them all. The quintessential "He doesn't score tap-ins" player. Well okay, he does, but I'd say it would be a closer to a ratio of 4 to 1 long range goals to short range goals. I'm pretty sure this guy has the team's goal of the season for five years running.


    The thing is, as you can see from the stats, and traits, above, I don't know where it's coming from.

    I play him as Atk Mid, with AM role, he'll blast them in. As a centre mid, he'll still get some opportunity (a bit less of course) to take a long shot and occasionally score.

    I have other players with better long shooting skill, and similar technique. played in the same position as a Atk Mid with SS role, and they get no where near Gonzalez with taking as many long range shots, let alone score them. The difference is absolutely staggering. Even with the traits I would expect both "shoot with power" and "takes more long range shots", or at least one of them, but nope. 


    I know players have hidden attributes but I'm pretty sure there wasn't one that was take more long shots, that's only a trait thing. Eventually Gonzalez will have to be replaced but how do I find a similar player when it's clear that Player Traits may not be completely "truthful". What's the mechanism behind this difference if they don't even have the traits required?

  5. Has been asked before (not by me) but I'm asking again (this is for FM22 but FM23 probably hasn't changed), is there any fool proof way to stop the under 18's playing for my under 23's short of taking control of the team each time which I do not want to do (That's what my under xx managers are for!).

    Tried resting on the day but that did nothing (Still picked).

    There was something about picking the team yourself but I don't see how that would work given, I'm sure, that the manager would override your decision since, after all, you left it to him to pick the team.

    Moving them to senior team each time would also be a huge pain and hugely disruptive.

    Third party software or mods perhaps?

  6. On 15/03/2022 at 18:02, GreenTriangle said:

    If the invisible trait is "runs with ball often" then this is a very powerful combination of traits ... but only if the player is really fast, determined and brave. Anyway, it also depends on his opponents. When he'll deal with better opponents, it will probably be harder and harder for him to score.

    He does indeed have that trait XD

    Well, I know how train my strikers the next time I get a fast one (Assuming his dribbling is also at least passable).


    After loading up my game I noticed that you can't train a player to get forward as often as possible or am I overlooking the training trait?

  7. 9 minutes ago, fc.cadoni said:

    The tactic itself has many flaws and conflicts. Take Long Kicks + Slow Pace Down is an example. Low Tempo + Players Roles which is based on Speed another example. BWM is for high pressing system; but not trying to hold the shape another example.

    I am advice you to start from here:


    Oh I remember reading about that and try to put some of those ideas into my roles.

    Actual tactical instructions though...


    Blame the Assistant manager XD (I do try to sort it out myself sometimes... sometimes.)

  8. 3 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    Okay, so they're playing in the same role, but not the same position. The difference here may well be down to where they're playing in the tactic, rather than the quality of the strikers.

    Where are your assists coming from? With how you're setting up, it looks like it might be early crosses from the left to Felix, which takes advantage of his pace.

    Ah but remember, I've had Felix both right and left. I'm confident I could put him on the left side and he'd still bang them in. Maaaybe a little less (or hell maybe even more, who knows) but I don't think that'd make a huge difference.

    Assists wise Kamara is top with 7 followed by Felix himself with 6. Then it's CM viveros with 5 and right mid Helm with 4, after that it's dregs of 1 and 2's elsewhere split between rotated players.

  9. image.thumb.png.3a281cd28f4d36a24c27758a7cae6ff9.png

    The three other pros below is just can play multiple positions (AML, AMR), possesses pace (duh), and balanced personality.

    LEADING PLAYER for Vanarama North/South XD in Cons.

    And you can also see from the list how many other players are ahead of him in the ability pecking order.

    Abu's report:


    The bottom three pro's aren't anything special either:

    Balanced and normal personality.

    can improve a lot

    a league one standard player.

    And yup, both playing as advanced forward (attack).

    Also I've had Felix on the left side of a duo strike force back in league 2 for a bit (not with Kamara), still a scoring legend. I'd imagine nothing much would change if I put Felix on the left and another striker on the right.

  10. Have this player for my struggling league one team:



    Signed him in league 2 last season as a squad player since well, as you can see...

    Attributes are ok but not great.

    Ability was only 2 and half stars in league 2, National League standard.


    Yet he ended crushing the league 2 scoring charts with 34 league goals in 41 games (Seriously not a flex), and he's practically single-handedly keeping me afloat in league one with 16 goals in 19 starts.

    Look at him!

    The only thing he has going for him is pace!

    Compared to all my other strikers over the last and current season they are either better, (like the example below) or about the same but attributes spread over other areas (better finishing, better mentality).


    Less than half the goals and second top striker.

    I don't understand it. After all at the end of the day, FM is game based on numbers. And luck and coincidence over two seasons starts to trend to zero.

    It's great Felix is a finishing legend, but apart from pace what else is there that he has that my other players don't have? Answer: nothing.

    Is pace such a large attribute that I should only focus on that for my striker? I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be the case as while quite a few goals is him breaking away from the defense, he scores plenty when in the mix also.

    Geniunely, I'm clueless. 


  11. Something that has bugged me for ages. Did the usual google but it never really offers the right answer.

    Occasionally a player will have orange arrows over 90% of their attributes in any random month and currently right now I have a month where I have the most that I've seen since I started a game where 6 players, ranging from 19 to 30 see substantial decline, and by substantial I just mean orange arrows over 90% of attributes, and the fall is greater than 0.1, wiping out a year of progress for some players.

    It is not, the players ability increase capping out and the stats compensating as mentioned by someone over at SI over at another similar topic, none of them have seen progress than substantial since they were 17/18.

    It is not the training considering that their training level's all remain over 7 and I try to ensure a good balance (though multiple games in a week can screw me over).

    I do not believe it is their form considering at the moment I'm doing well and most of the players are playing well, though some have seen a little dip considering the youth players aren't completely first team material yet.

    I do not believe it is their personality and mentality as a few are professional with good determination and work rate.

    So after all that, what an I left with? I've got no answers but surely there must be some other hidden mechanic that decides when a player has a fall in a large number of attributes.


  12. Always wondered how bad a 1 really is. Tried to Google it but all I get is results of CA or PA. 

    I assume it shouldn't be absolutely god awful to a level that it appears like he's never played football before. 

    I've assumed it'd be something like just below average for an amateur football player? 

    If this is the case (and this is a separate question I guess) , shouldn't raising that attribute (any attribute that isn't mental) be easy up to something like a 5 or 6? 

    Sometimes it feels stupidly difficult to get it past 3, even when focused on. 

  13. hi there,

    Was doing some experimentation with coach workload checking if senior team, affects reserves, which affects under 18's etc.

    I'm sure they're separate but can someone confirm? example coach 1 takes senior team fitness and reserve fitness which splits his time between two teams.

    Though that isn't the main question.

    I set all training for the current week and next week (Monday 8am), to all rest, for all teams yet my fitness coach still had medium and light for his workload. 

    Also the reserve team still had all coaches at either light or medium workload. Does anyone know why this is? This of course could affect what coaches I need to hire in the future, especially if fitness coach apparently seems to be doing ghost sessions...

  14. Sorry,will try to clear up. 

    Using pre game editor and pre game editor only. 

    Created a club using it as it offers more options. 

    That means creating my own logo and strip which is fine except for the logo part. 

    In the pre game editor tab of kits and colours there is options customise this. 

    Unfortunately the directory paths they link to e.g. pictures/25585452585/logos (number is random I'm at work at the moment) can not be changed. Same with icons/kits/etc. (not that I need the kit just the logo and icon pictures) 

    Thus I cannot use a custom logo that I have downloaded for my club. 

    I have read about creating a graphics folder which I have and also about having to have a config. Xml file which I haven't done yet as I need to make it from scratch. But if I can't change the directory paths that's meaningless anyway. 

  15. Using pre game editor.

    All tutorials mention installing pre made logos packages etc and in gam editors nothing about the pre game editor.

    In the kits and colours section there are file paths that can't be changed and I can't get my own logos into my team.

    Any help or links that actually have a manual on how to use this thing?

    Google links to the stuff I mentioned above (There was one good video but it bypassed kit colours and logos).

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