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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Also, despite me moving back a whole load of foreigners, they will still turn up when the game is running. Exactly this is why I want the next editors to allow for editing which newgen nationalities are created!
  2. West-Germany and playoffs, what a drag. Add to that the Landespokals and you have a bit of work cut out. Next week will probably see some more of that. The Albanian return diaspora continues in the meantime and it is also helping lowering the amount of foreign player to remove. I have currently 1900 foreign players in Italy (started at 2600) and when Albania is done and dusted, there should be only 1700 foreign players left in Italy. I might do a check for the biggest loads of work which country causes that (Austria is over 2400 still…) and order in such a way that I can profit. However, first continue with Albania and whenever that is done it is time for either Hungary or Czechoslovakia.
  3. If the changes were done in orde, it might be possible, but otherwise there is no quick solution.
  4. You mean in the editor? The various fields are defined via XMLs, so that could be done. You might be helped in this thread.
  5. Can confirm this from my time as a reallife coach as well. Your management style will grow based on your capabilities, your line of thinking, your grasp of concepts and situational awareness. It does not grow from copying as it is not a certainty that that style matches your capabilities.
  6. Romania and Bulgaria are finished. Albania, I am finishing removing the foreign players (40 to go) and then it will be about getting back the Albanian players, which are a lot. This weekend I finally have a weekend completely for myself again. So I have planned a lot of edit work on Germany and international competition work. Luckily I won't have to go into the office untill halfway September. A few weeks back I went twice in one week and that is still too much for me.
  7. Correct, when using ignores, the ignores you set up for the team selection have to be repeated in the team pools as well (unless the team pools uses specific teams and you know for sure those teams will never be on your ignore list)
  8. I thought they said this would be changed for all seasons, not just the WC one?
  9. This testing in game right? Which version were your previous edits and which version is this one?
  10. Do you know how to export the edit to XML?
  11. That's probably more on the search function than on you. It is notorious for being fickle. Have locked the thread.
  12. Depends on how you think about spreadsheets as databases For FM however, I have copied over most team names from the editor to do my research in a spreadsheet, because it is so much easier to filter and keep track of namechanges, before you start the actual edit. So yes, for FM it is a live saver.
  13. Check the names in the database for a start. Then change them in your spreadsheet to your liking.
  14. I am not that older actually (1979) but we have some footballing history in the family which makes me a bit more aware on the period in football. Let's say that I got signed photos from the EC88 final that were handed over personally Should be somewhere in a box at my parents. Ronaldo was already from 1994 when rules were being relaxed (1995 brought the real free rules), but Romario was considered an outlier before the Olympic tournament of 1988 already and he cemented that with scoring 7 goals there. PSV had a very good network in Brazil at the time (might even have been supported by Philips), so in that case they were sure they got the right person. If only he wasn't so tired every time It is set at various. At the nation level you can set whether any country buys from another country. In the case of Romania that has been set to no activity at all so Romanian teams won't buy players from outside Romania. And all other nations have Romania set to -1 so they won't buy Romanian players. Poland has been set at no activity just like Romania, so won't buy foreigners. But for other nations Poland has been set to no activity from 14-25 and to limited from 26 to 45 for specific nations. Next to that the foreigner rules have been set at division level, setting them at 0 foreigners allowed in the squad and 0 foreigners allowed in the match day squad. Weirdly I had to set both in the FM20 rules, as not setting them both would mean teams were still buying extra foreigners. The 80's style cups are in there, UEFA, CWC and the regular knockout EC1. The Toyota Cup is in there as well. Good question about PSG. A few things to consider there. Hakimi is OK, because he is Moroccan and Moroccans are allowed to play as non-foreign in France due to being a former French colony. It is likely that Marquinhos ended up in Portugal, for the same reason as Hakimi at PSG. Brazilians don't count as foreigners in Portugal. Icardi would likely have stayed in Italy for the same as I think he has some Italian heritage and he wouldn't have counted as foreign in Serie A. Ramos would likely never have been transferred to PSG as he was at that time too old and (to be honest) doesn't fill a space that can't be filled with a French player. You would probably see Varane at PSG instead of Man Utd. Keylor Navas would probably have stayed at Real Madrid as Courtois would never have been transferred to Madrid. I am not sure about the rules in Spain regarding to quicker naturalisation for Costa Rica, but I would not have been surprised if suddenly a Spanish forefather was found for Navas. Neymar and Messi would have likely stayed. I thought Draxler wasn't doing that great for PSG to be honest? For the Ajax example, looking at the current players gives a bit of problem as the players that were transferred in that time were different. The Dutch competition wasn't that far behind in finances (ok, the rest wasn't that far ahead), so more established players could be transferred. Also, the current Dutch setup focuses on getting mostly young players and selling them on with profit.
  15. With what Nine_Iron says you can easily set up a spreadsheet. For example, I checked if I could find a boroughlist for the city of Berlin. I found 97 neighbourhoods which can be turned into club names adding a Vfl, Vfb, SV, FC, FK or something Rot-Weiss to it easily. Multiply a few like happened with Schwarz-Weiss and Grün-Weiss Neukölln and you are over 100 inside 15 minutes. Link for the neighbourhoods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boroughs_and_neighborhoods_of_Berlin
  16. There is frustration and personal attacks. The first is understandable and acceptable to a certain extent, the second is not.
  17. There are websites for creating those names. Just make sure you pick a site that allows for creating football (=soccer) team names and not one for American Football.
  18. Another one to take into account is the way how certain Eastern European nations allow their players to leave the country (or not!) So Albania, Romania and Bulgaria do not allow their footballing inhabitants to leave the country, at all. The same applies to East Germany btw, but that has one has a special exception in the sense that East Germans are not counted as foreigners in the West Germans competition. Poland, Czechoslovakia, the USSR, Hungary and Yugoslavia did allow their players to move out later in their career. For Polish players this would be 26, but in reallife there was also a rule that Polish people could move to Germany based on rules and regulation around their nationality and previous German-relations (some parts of Poland were German before WW2 afterall. This weirdly enough also applies to the USSR, which explains the German names you find in the database in mainly Kazakhstan. Soviet players would only be allowed to leave the country by the time they were 30 however. This also applied to Hungary, while for Czechoslovakia it was 32. Yugoslavia only had the cap at 27, but especially with Yugoslavia in the database you will see that the wars in the 90's have given a different twist on that. There were already enough players of Yugoslav descent (say a Robert Prosinecki for instance) outside Yugoslavia, but with the wars in that area in the early 90's this moving to other countries has been much bigger. But back to the impact of moving players and the Eastern European age-rules regarding moving. Simply said, if a player is of a certain age (say 24) and he is Polish, there would have been no chance he would have played outside Poland, so he gets moved back. This makes moving players a lot easier, because you know which ones to pick and move back rightway. However, say a Polish player of 28 (so yes, he is legally playing outside Poland) would be playing in Romania, he will start be moved back, because Romania doesn't allow for foreign players. So it is a combination of two rules, one way what does the nationality of the player allow, play outside his nation, player outside his nation only after a certain age, or not play outside his nation at all and on the other hand, does the nation he plays in that foreign players play there. And with former colonies that makes for even more fun. You can really set up all star teams in Portugal and France, but will never be able to play them in Europe.
  19. I'll will answer in English if you don't mind, so the rest of the people can read along without needing Google Translate. Also, this graphic could be understandable for some Anyway, in terms of choices, most things I am doing now were either thought out in the FM20 version of the Iron Curtain or are refinement from the choices I made there. A few mistakes I made there: not correcting transfer values which made the game set (have been set to zero now for the previous team), rehousing every single player which adds a lot of work without much substance or effect (that's why I free transferred a lot of the <50 players now), not keeping an eye on team size, which meant i had to clean up a lot of players afterwards (right now I have a list of each team that has been changed with initial player numbers, so I know what the starting size was). I have made my choices for moving players better as well. Previously I didn't start with Romania, Bulgaria and Albania, but these are easiest as it is quite simple, no foreigners allowed and noone is allowed to leave the country. So you essentially end up swapping the foreign players with players coming back from outside their nation. By first doing those and then doing the nations that don't allow foreigners, you have a much better idea where all team sizes end up. Which means cleanup is less. Additionally, this was after discussing the mod with someone who did play in the era, I did make some right decisions in FM20 when choosing the foreigners that remained with teams and I made some wrong decisions. Everyone under 25 does not play outside their country. The lone exceptions are players that by age 25 have been capped about 50 times and played more than 100 games for their previous team. Teams would never invest in those players. This is also where FM transferring goes wrong. Teams these days just grab anything which looks remotely OK, put them in their academy and then send away everyone who turn out not good enough. In 1988 that would be the other way around, local pro teams would be putting those teams in the academy and anyone not good enough would return to their local amateur teams. In a sense, everyone under 25 and without any prior international experience can be send back. At the same time, teams would try and maximize their foreigh player amount, because, if it is allowed, do it. I have to add the nuance that this differs per nation btw. In some cases there are just not enough interesting foreign players of their levels (this applies to lower level nations) or the local academy has so many good nation players that they don't need foreigners. And in other cases, finances apply. Talking about finances, I have been considering putting in the Dutch rules where foreign players have to be paid a slightly higher wage, but I am not sure yet if I want to do that. Would be funny for England.... Team rules per nation and division in general are: All West European Nations except for Germany, Spain and Italy: 3 foreigners at level 1 Germany, Spain and Italy: 2 foreigners at level 1 All Eastern European Nations except for Yugoslavia: no foreigners allowed (at whatever level) Yugoslavia: 1 foreign player allowed at level 1 and 2 China and Hong Kong have the same rules as the big group of European nations.
  20. Two things, one, I have moved the thread as it does not have a download. Two, check if you have the Active Fields Only filter checked in the lowerleft corner.
  21. If there is a limit, I can assure it is not as low as 117841. Using two files that already top that (one by 50K) and have seen a file being 3M edits. Usually the crashing is caused by data in the file not working together, errors in the competition (seeing you mention verifying). Are you using multiple files?
  22. It was quite strict on it before, but isn't that much anymore. We prefer people to speak English, but for some English is too hard and a google translate of their native language can be easier. Also, ik denk dat ik je wel versta in je eigen taal
  23. Sounds like a sort of region based all star team right? I think that one is hard to do.
  24. This has been changed from previous versions unfortunately. An alternative way is to use secondary divisions. At the competitions tab you can set the secondary division. You can set the cup there as well, so you can use the secondary division to pick your teams.
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