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Posts posted by Lazaru5

  1. FM is no longer football manager, we're not allowed to manage our teams/tactics as we could in the older versions, now we're expected to use arbitrary "roles" and "mentality"s that have fixed and unchangeable options that if they don't fit in with how you want your team to play then it's tough.

    Whoever decided on what each "role" entailed and what should be locked in have removed our ability to "manage" our teams in our own, personal, ways. You MUST use these arbitrary roles even when they don't do what you want them to do. I explain a little bit in this post why the roles don't work for me.

    Yes, playing around with team mentalities adjusts the player's mentalities but I'm still forced into having my full-backs (and other players) doing what someone else has decided they should do, even if that doesn't work with the players in my squad. For example, with the full-backs, they either cross from byline (but they have to get further forward) or they cross from deep which means my 5'7" and 5'9" strikers get no service and the opposition centre-backs get "meat & drink" hurled up to them.

    This is the first time I've bought FM since FM11 and to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. Take my game last night, 3-2 up with 88 minutes on the clock and yet the only way to get my players to waste time was to change mentality to "contain", something that my lower league players obviously couldn't do because we lost 4-3! Had I been able to just adjust the time-wasting slider to often then the control we had over the game and the result would probably have been much different.

    I don't know when the classic tactics were taken out of the game but with the current system it is impossible to get my team to play the way that I want them to play, I have to go with SOMEBODY ELSE'S arbitrary way of playing because they think that's the way it should be.

    It isn't. It should be up to me how I set my team up, there should be nothing locked in and unchangeable. Fine, let there be suggested/recommended PI's, TI's and OI's, but don't lock them in because they don't work for every team, every situation or for every human player.


  2. Simmed far into the future and took control of a new promoted club, noticed one of my players had Kaka as a favoured person, surely not...

    Well... He's been there since his retirement in 2018, probably could get a coaching job in any club he wanted, yet he shows up here for a low wage, my oh my. Not that the club would be complaining mind you, even though his determination and motivating lack a fair bit he's a killer coach

    He's looking good for 52... :lol:

  3. It isn't possible. I have no idea why, but it's a universal problem. Print Screeen and paste it in paint seems your best bet.

    this would suggest that nobody can take a screenshot of the pitch using Alt+F9 which is false - I have no problems like pigfacemonkeyman has :confused:

    an example (should one be needed - I have lots..)


  4. I've seen a lot of people saying Balotelli falls so badly, he has on my game, ended up retiring at the age of 29 I think.

    Is there any way of managing him without him going off on a strop?

    I'm hoping that he ends up being brought to my attention in my save... I'm currently in my 3rd season with Hereford in League 1 so it's unlikely but if he fails like you all say he might just... and then I'll give him a shot (if my scouts/coaches/assistant all agree)..

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